2010 Awards Begin TONIGHT, + Final Call for Volunteers

May 14, 2010 15:41

Hey guys,

The 2010 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards begin at 12:01 AM GMT on May 15. What exactly that means for you varies depending on where you live. For instance, here in New York (U.S.A.) the awards start at 8 PM. To find the exact time the awards start, use the website www.timezoneconverter.com, and convert "12:01 AM GMT, May 15" into your local time zone.

At 12:01 AM you can start nominating stories. To do so, log in to


and click the link either to nominate a story (where someone else is the author) or to self-nominate a story (where you are the author). As in previous years you can nominate up to twenty pieces.

To review some eligibility concerns:

1. Stories are only eligible once as a completed story, and once more as a WIP. Before nominating, check that the story hasn't competed in the past:

--- For previous years' nominations, check http://www.mefawards.net/mefa-archive/
--- For stories already nominated this year, click the "Stories" link within the MEFA2010 site itself.

If the story was nominated before, you may lose your nomination.

2. Stories need to be publicly accessible. You need to have a site you can point to, that doesn't require people to log in to that website in order to read the story. If you mistype the URL, or if it doesn't let everyone read the story, you will lose your nomination.

3. For stories posted on more than one page, there needs to be a way to get from page to page. The most common way to do this is either by linking to a "table of contents" (that offers a link to each page), or by providing a link to the previous and next page in the story.

4. Stories must meet either our General, Teen, or Mature ratings to be eligible to compete. This doesn't mean a story can't be rated NC17 or Adult *at its archive*. Different sites have different criteria. But you will want to read our ratings guidelines and make sure that it meets *our* requirements for General, Teen, or Mature before you nominate it.

For more info:

--- http://www.mefawards.net/MEFA2010/index.php?page=FAQeligibility
--- http://www.mefawards.net/MEFA2010/index.php?page=FAQnominations
--- http://www.mefawards.net/MEFA2010/index.php?page=FAQratingsguide

You will find lots of little changes at the new site, but two bear mentioning.

1. Acceptance Emails. Authors no longer are required to email their liaisons that they accept the nomination, or that they are done with the form.

--- When you begin working on the form we assume you accept the nomination. (You are still encouraged to email in if you won't begin the form right away, so we know you have received the email.)
---- At the bottom of the form, there is a checkbox you select to say you are finished with the form. You should click this in addition to setting the status to "Author Satisfied with Form." But you do *not* have to email your liaison to let him or her know that you are done with it.

2. Alternate URLs. In previous years web sites have become unavailable in the middle of the MEFAs. This obviously puts some authors at a disadvantage. To help with this, we are encouraging (not requiring) all authors to include an alternate URL. In the case that a site goes down, we will change your primary URL to the alternate one for you. However, it is *very important* that you check that these alternate URLs are correct; your liaison won't check them for you, and it's your responsibility to make sure they work. Alternate URLs are optional, but if you choose not to include one, it's up to you to get in touch with us if the site where your story is hosted, goes down.


Also: if you are still interested in volunteering, we need the following:

1. A Welcome Manager. Essentially you would send a quick email to all new members other than authors, welcoming them to the site and answering any questions they had. You can pass on any questions you aren't sure of to me. The purpose of this is to give new members someone to go to with their problems. Think of it like a liaison for non-authors. *g*

2. Banner Makers. Our banner coordinator, Neume Indil, is getting things organized and we will soon have some banners for nominees available. If you haven't volunteered yet but want to make banners, let me know.

3. Promoters. If you know of a group not receiving announcements from the MEFAs, and would like to make announcements there, let me know. You can find a list of the sites already receiving announcements at:


If you're interested in helping out in any of these ways, shoot me an email at mefasupport@gmail.com


Marta (MEFA Admin.)

2010, nominations, volunteers, admin

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