Okay this time I blame my extended abscence on the fact my laptop completely fried and I had to send it back to get repaired which took exactly 30 days plus the fact I had to fight with FedEX to get it (Tara and Katherine are my witnesses) So I finally get it back and to my unfortunate luck the wireless internet that just so happened to work completly fine for McKenzie's computer (we are hacking someone elses connection) but when i tried to connect to mine i had to prop it on my head board and practically use tin foil(aluminum foil for you non southerners) to get a signal. Now FINALLY AFTER I BREAK DOWN AND ORDER MY OWN SERVICE I get a signal. oh well. i decided not to go to the beach becasue my body decided that amidst my complete joy of finally getting to go it would do the most hatefull thing and spite me. I shall end it there. Any who time for pictures featuring Tara's boobs!! I tell ya what..I wanna be sitting next to her on a plane if it goes down over water lmao!