A much needed update

Oct 13, 2004 12:05

So I've been here officially for a month now. And in all honesty its not the same. I dont have my crew with me now. Its alot different when you drive by places and say oh my god I remember when we did this or oh my god this is where so and so did that. Its just not the same. Granted I absolutly love being back, but its just different. My job is going great. There is always one person however who has to make your job difficult and believe me im holding my tounge when I am around her. Disney STILL has not called me back and its been a month. Im ready to give up and buy annual pass. First Ive got to get my FL drivers license though. Because I work a 9-5 mon-fri, I can never go out. I rarely see my roommates and frankly sometimes I feel left out like they wont even bother asking if I want to go with them. But oh well. In the romance department...here's the abridged version..97.245% of males in Orlando are either gay,married,bi-sexual,psycho,retarted,or just planily not worth my time. I dont get it, I really dont. But again oh well. ickletarakins  is coming to town tommorrow and honestly this will be my first time actually going out when she gets here. Besides the redundance of either going to Bennigans or Ale House, im ready to go out and shake my ass damn it!! So thats the update for myself. More to come soon....
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