I'm pretty, and classy, and intelligent and EVIL dammit! and modest, too! don't kid yourself, mudblood. You're none of those things, and more. The name of slytherin doesn't mean anything if you can't act like such.and slytherins most certainly do not date scrawny, badly dressed, classless childlike things like Potter- you, of all such classy people should know that.
Merlin! i can't believe my eyes, that you actually wrote that. noone likes you because you're a ridiculous, attention seeking, mudblood. that answer your question?
Comments 6
and modest, too! don't kid yourself, mudblood. You're none of those things, and more. The name of slytherin doesn't mean anything if you can't act like such.and slytherins most certainly do not date scrawny, badly dressed, classless childlike things like Potter- you, of all such classy people should know that.
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