Sep 02, 2004 22:09
I hate it already, ha. Most of my classes are boring and have no one in there.
Physics-Teacher seems ok, one person to talk to and work with.
English-Teacher seems ok, no one really to talk to.
History-Not sure yet about that teacher, little chit chat with Justin and Rachel.
Calculus-Teacher seems good, helpful, etc. but the class is not pleasant despite this. I find mathematics to be intensely boring...but this deserves some time.
Spanish-few to talk to, seemingly nice teacher but the class is made difficult by my lack of oral comprehension abilities.
Photo-Nice teacher, class rocks my socks AND it's at the end of the day.
Bought an awesome movie...VAN WILDER...haha, love it.
SADNESS-Shipped my camera to New York today for repairs...won't even get an estimate for as much as TWELVE SEEMS like an eternity. I can shoot with my digital cam, but it's primarily my webcam and not meant for extensive artistic photography...more like snapshots and memories.
Well, I'm out for now...Later