so sunday night i went to the emergency room. it sucked. it still sucks and since i havent updated in a while, i'll explain why.
so for like days before sunday my pee was smelling weird. i ignored it because i thought maybe it was from the new vitamins i was taking, hah im great at listening to my body. then saturday comes and while making dinner for nick (yes OMG I MADE FOOD AND PEOPLE LIKED IT!..except for me of course) i started getting pain in my back. i just thought it was normal, i get a sore back all the time from sitting at a desk all day. i had nick crack my back (well try to) it felt more like he broke something though lol.
saturday night i couldnt sleep at all. i couldnt move into a position that made the pain in my back any less intense. it was really not fun. i just wanted to sleep. but i couldnt, so i just laid in bed trying to decide if i was going to wake nick up and make him suffer with me. for once i decided to be nice and ended up finally falling asleep.
sunday morning my back still hurt, i showed nick where and he told me i was an idiot because the sharp pain was coming from my kidneys. i figured it would go away on its own, its not like it hurt to pee or anything.. hah. we went to church, ate lunch, napped, watched tv, and during this time the pain increased more and more. expect along with the kidney pain i was also having intense headaches and was feeling really nauseous. fun times. i of course didnt want to look like a bitch, since it seems like im always sick or going to the doctor, tried to play down the pain. on the way home i thought i was going to puke any second while holding back the tears of pain. i mean i didnt want nick to worry about me, he has enough stuff to be stressed out about (vcu sucks and screwed up his schedule and he was afraid he wasnt going to graduate, again).
so i got in the house and like burst into tears. natalie (my brothers girlfriend who i live with that is also a doctor) insisted we go to the hospital. i didnt want to go because emergency room visits are expensive, like $150 copay expensive and i hate dealing with money/insurance companies because im still dealing with shit from my biopsy. she talked me into going to patient first but they close at 10, and it was like 9:45. we tried to get there in time but failed. i decided i would just wait until the morning and call my doctor to see if he could get me in on monday or if he couldnt i would just go to patient first again. so on the way back home i ended up having natalie pull over so i could puke all over the side of 64. then she asked "are you ready to go to the emergency room now?" lol i said yes, only because my brother agreed to pay for it lol.
we get there and there was NO WAIT! henrico doctors on parham is always dead. they made me pee in a cup, took blood, and once they figured out i wasnt pregnant (the test results took like 2 hours to come back, they were just being lazy), and i had a ct scan to check for kidney stones. good times, in between all that fun i was puking and watching LA Ink. They finally hooked me up with nausea medicine which made me very sleepy and decided i had a kidney infection and UTI. they hooked me up to an IV of good good antibiotics and i tried to sleep in the cold uncomfortable bed.
the IV took a hour to pump in, which seemed way too long because i just wanted to go home. when the IV finished i was pressing the nurse call button like it was my job. those bitches were SLOW the entire night, i understand i wasnt the only patient but DAMN a pregnancy test shouldnt take TWO HOURS. on the way out to be discharged i started feeling nauseous AGAIN, and ended up puking in the hall like a foot away from the bathroom. they tried to give me more medicine but i was like NO I JUST WANNA GO HOME!
yesterday i stayed home from work and slept/watched tv. my brother stayed home too. god i felt like i had a baby sitter. it sucked. i would have rather been at work. being able to sleep was very nice though. im still pretty exhausted and my kidneys are still painful but its bearable. god my body hates me.