Dec 07, 2003 10:25
hmm.. livejournal.. it has been so long since the last time i typed to you.. i remember when this use to be my only salvation from what i thought was the cruelty of life. its true though i guess you can never understand pain until u have felt it. so now i really dont think i will have depressing entries once again (like my deadjournal from last year) i cant seem to find the darkside to anything anymore.. which cant be a good thing.. im not quite sure how i am going to find enough things to write about to actually keep this journal moving.. tis what happens in a quite boring life such as my own. These words seem too forced for some reason like im not writing what i am feeling which is quite odd because im just typing without one set path. tonight we are having a party and im not ready to deal with it. i could never really understand why persians need to see each other so many times in one weeked.. i mean friday we had people over, saturday there was another party, and today we have more people over... how can they find enough to talk about.. i have the hardest time finding topics to talk about.. its so hard but i hate silence so i will do anything to not be around it even if in the end it makes me look like a dumbass which i usually do look like i am so that is why whenever i say anything whether it be right 9 out of 10 times its overlooked until someone else proves the same exact thing.. it gets annoying i mean like in chem when we were looking at our grades and im like is that my grade.. and then someone is like thats impossible that cant be ur grade.. well then it just kinda pushes me! i cant stand it sometimes... god wow now im pissed and i really have no reason.. maybe this journal will come to have more use then i had intended when i started typing!
i saw love actually last night for the second time with alese! amazing movie even though the ho at the front desk wouldnt let me buy damn tickets... u must be 17 to buy tickets to this movie.. i was like i bought tickets to this movie from u guys last week give me a break.. i swear she was like 12 u think she would be friendly and kind but no not! wasnt! so it just made alese and i end up sneaking in to the movie after buying cat in the hat... ok well lets see anyway back to the movie i loved it.. it was so good.. but ugh its the kinda thing that makes me jealous or pissed though cause it will just be another thing that wont happen for me... o well
jen burned me the soundtrack which i am in love with and that all i want for xmas song omg.. i dont think u could play a song to death more than i am right now! i just keep it on repeat! OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
xmas shopping is so hard btw.. i never knwo what to get anyone! but i love the xmas lights when they are turned on otuside they make me feel all happy and joyful.. and i cant help but love that feeling.. wow see i go off on so many different tangents when writing these things but i dont care becase this is suppose to be about me.. and i cant think one thing for this long of a period of time (which yes i know is a bad thing but leave me alone dont judge me damn journal)