Mar 18, 2003 06:40
so i have been banned from using the computer after school this week. i guess thats good cause i can actually sleep now. i went to bed at 9 last night. it was great. so i got on this morning to check my email. i got the sweetest email from a friend i havnt gotten to talk to in a week or so. it made my morning.
so cheerleading
i have the dance. thats amazing cause that never happens the first day. im not to nervse yet. i dont really know the cheers yet, but those can come later. all im worried about is the dance, i have it without the music, but lord when i add it who knows what will happen. wow. i was just looking at the cheer sheet and it said tryouts for 2003-2004. wow. the years have gone by so fast. we graduate in two years. amazing. well its off to school now.