Belladonna Cove: 310 Bay View Drive (Contender) - Makeover

Nov 17, 2011 17:50

Okay, a more... normal building this time. I made over Carlos Contender's house.

And Carlos himself too, as seen in the shots from the community lots he got to test. Here's Carlos himself, in his old house, getting ready for a night on the town:

On to the house...

Madeover house, front and back. No more palm trees, I don't think of Belladonna Cove being warm enough to have them.

Upstairs. Not really too different, overall.

Downstairs. The pointless Veronaville-style hallway is gone, so living room and kitchen have both been expanded, and so has the hallway containing the stairs to the second floor. Oh, and the... walk-in closet or whatever has been replaced with a proper wardrobe, and the rest of the space was added to the bathroom.

Shots from the front, side and back of the house.


The living room, and hallway to the kitchen and the exit to the back of the house, containing all of Carlos' precious trophies.



Downstairs bathroom, which I apparently liked enough to take three pictures of it.

Hallway thingy. The stairs and a dart board are off camera. Wasn't sure what else to put in here.

Carlos' home gym, and laundry room, combined. The boxing ring doesn't do much, but I thought it looked cool, so I kept it.

The last room, the upstairs bathroom, which Carlos clearly didn't put as much effort into as the downstairs one.

And finally, the "before" pictures:

Bonus "spot the EAxis fail" picture:

belladonna cove, contender, makeovers, bdc, residential lot

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