Extras: The Kim Family

Aug 15, 2010 12:01

Here's some pictures from another of my favourite families... The Kims.

Cheech and Gabby show you who's the boss(es) in this house.

Cynthia and Robert wanted to get Justin into private school.

Cheech watching reruns of their old TV show. He misses those days. Now he's just another ordinary cat, and his humans have been forced to take normal jobs. How embarrasing!

Tessa Ramirez joins them for dinner + dessert. She and Justin are best friends.


Cheech is too dignified for a litter box.

"How'd the baby end up inside of you, mummy?"



Justin's birthday. All of Bluewater Village seems to be there. Hey, they're celebrities, after all!

Tessa is pleased that Justin has caught up to her in age.

Now he can put his moves on her (or maybe it's the other way around).

Cynthia was fired. :( She was in the Politics career. It worked for Schwarzenegger.

A date gift that actually makes sense! Now Justin can replace his old telescope, which seems to smell funny.

Baby James is born. Recessive genes in action on his eyes, there.

That painting is totally a picture of Gabby and Cheech.

Justin takes up a second hobby.

Oh dear. They didn't actually want any more children.

There's no question about it, Cynthia.

James grew up.

With a third baby on the way, Cynthia decides it's best to get another job. (Slacker career.)

/Toddler Spam

Now I understand why everyone's so obsessed with potty training faces.


Justin and his new telescope.

Harry is born. Yes, that is a Star Trek reference.

James gets to share a room with his new baby brother.

Aaand then James grew up.

Vertical cat is vertical.

Whatever Justin said, I don't think Robert approves of it.

Time for another headmaster visit so James can join his older brother. It's easy when the headmaster is already a friend of the family.

Harry grew into a cute toddler.

Justin's planting those seeds he found under his parents' bed...

Robert got quite high up in his Law career before he was fired. This family's having pretty bad luck.

Looking for a new job. Now he's a security guard.

Maybe the new telescope wasn't such a good idea.

Good thing Justin is a knowledge sim, and still a teenager. All he gets from the experience is a sleepless night and a scholarship!

old stuff, uberhood v2, bluewater village, kim

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