Round #2: La Fiesta Tech - Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity

Jun 23, 2008 19:30

I don't think those are real Greek letters...

Anyway, LFT Fraternity time. Guy always seems to be a jerk in all the stories I've seen him in, so I was a little surprised that he had like 7 nice points or something.

So remember Jessie and Mickey in the last update?

They're getting on pretty well.

However, Matthew must have heard them and now he's taken an interest too. Jessie has a crush on him already... clearly Sarah wants to save woohoo for marriage, and Matthew just wants a little college adventure...

Jessie is eager to please.

Downstairs, Guy is dancing with Jasmine (I just keep thinking of her as "Jaxy", heh), who still has a sunburn/moonburn/heatstroke.

Mickey is such a classy guy. He'd rather do this than go to class.

Mickey and Llama: Gerbits, gerbits, goooooooooo gerbits!

Toga party time. Sarah catches on to what's going on between Jessie and Matthew...

Matthew gets what's coming to him. So much for the HARTLOVE romance. Jessie doesn't care.

Some party pictures. Llama is as prominent here as the Streaker in the sorority. I don't know what that says about either of them.

Some sims at the bubble blower. It's a totally wholesome and innocent activity. You know, "bubbles". And "fruit juice". Yeah.

Guy is painting. So far, he seems like the most sensible sim in this household. Next to Guy is the door we added so we could keep it locked and keep sims away from the bubble blower while there's no parties going on. Otherwise none of them would ever get anything else done. Ever.

Okay, this was just hilarious and bizarre. The Frat boys had a big old grandfather clock. I clicked on it and it had the normal 'wind' option but also a 'maintain' option. So we made Matthew try it out, and he just sort of, barely nudges it with his finger and it BREAKS INTO A BILLION PIECES. That's all that's left of it in the picture. Hahaha, what the hell?

Matthew: ...oops.

Moar Party. Guy gets along well with DJ Verse. They have a common interest in hair styles, I guess.

The llama continues to hide his true identity even at toga parties, clearly so supervillains won't kill his family.

Mickey's not into this whole dancing thing, it involves too much movement that's not directly woohoo-related. Slacking on the couch is more his style.

He has a bit of a change of heart when he sees the benefits of slow dancing.

Luckily for Mickey, some other sims join him by the TV so he doesn't feel like a complete loser.

Guy's gotten a confidence boost from bubbles fruit juice LOVE.

Mickey tries his charms on Zoe Zimmerman, but they're not really that into each other. Still doesn't hurt to try, does it?

Matthew realises that Jessie isn't going to marry him and have his five million children, so the next day he tries his luck on another pretty fellow student: Blossom Moonbeam.

Matthew: I hear you have an ALIEN in your dorm, huh? So, wanna snog?

The ever studious Mickey, hard at work.

Mickey: Blub blub blub...

Guy, doing some actual work on his term paper.

Matthew: I can see how you got your name, you're sweet as a blossom and your eyes sparkle like the moon... beams.

Blossom: *giggle*

Matthew: So, wanna snog?

hart, old stuff, drosser, old megahood, oresha-hoh-var fraternity, wrightley, la fiesta tech

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