Uberhood - Belladonna Cove - Carlos Contender

Jan 16, 2010 09:33

Carlos Contender is like an aged Daniel Pleasant who never married, or something.

In the default Belladonna Cove template, he had the Popularity aspiration, even though everything about him was screaming Romance sim. So I changed him in my clean version.

Let's see what he gets up to!

Outings downtown with Chastity Gere, that's what! I'm not sure Geoff approves.


Mrs. Crumplebottom: What? Never seen a lady have a drink before?

Carlos is hot stuff.

The epic poker game of General Grunt, Sophia Jocque and Checo Ramirez (and a townie).

I think she's trying to throw the general off his game.

Carlos finds some playmates of his own.

Looks like the townie has given up.

I think Gabriel is winning...

Buzz won't be beat. He's on to a new game now.

After a long night of poker, Sophia is in need of some breakfast. Carlos, however, is heading back home.


Then there's the matter of the pregnant girlfriend...

Despite his better judgement, Carlos decides to do the right thing.

Jessica: That's right; sleep my precious moneybag...

The new maid arrives. Does she look familiar to you?

Carlos inspects his new purchase.

He likes what he sees.

Kaylynn: Gee, thanks, Mr. Contender! Now I can buy those pretty shoes I wanted!

Carlos: Oh no! RAIN! On my wedding day!

Isn't it ironic?

(No. No, it isn't.)

Those don't look like party guests!

Wedding spam time.

Looks like Marcus is getting impatient.

Marcus: I'm booooored!

Samantha: Sit still, will you?

Marcus: Yay, it's finally over!

Jessica's pregnancy token reset itself and her stomach got smaller. Yay for EAxis bugs/quirks.


Marcus, being the only kid at the wedding, found himself someone to play with out front.

A wedding/pool party, what could be better?

Amazingly enough, this went well. Great way to spend your wedding night.

Jessica brought her, er, garden with her.

You can see her wedding present from Carlos through the window there!

belladonna cove, uberhood v1, old stuff, contender

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