Pleasantview #2 - The Dreamers + The Burbs

Jun 14, 2008 23:01

Today, we pay a visit to the Dreamers, and then the Burbs.

Shortly after we entered the Dreamer household, this happened.

Then it instantly stopped raining.

I love spring.

Darren called the Emergency number, and fireman Jessie Nash saved the day... night. Whatever. Darleen's grave was also safe, which means she can continue to haunt until we remember to build a community graveyard and move her there.

Cassandra was devastated by Don's betrayal for about five seconds, then she was perfectly happy to find comfort in Darren's arms. Darren doesn't even mind that she's very pregnant with Don's spawn.

Every night as he goes to bed, he secretly thanks Don for being a cheating bastard.

Lillith: I told you already, stop looking at my side of the screen!

Dirk: Lol, girls suck at video games.

Lillith finds that making out in front of the house is a much more agreeable interaction.

Random townie: SHOCK! Kids these days! :O

Dirk and Lillith are a hot hot couple.

The Burbs

Lucy with her teddy bear. When they "carry" the bear, and just stand there, staring blankly ahead of themselves with the bear in their arms, isn't that creepy? You know those girls in The Shining? They would totally do that if they had teddy bears. "Come play with us, Danny..." Anyway.


Jennifer: Whatever makes you happy, hon. *sigh* Must get back to work...

We have absolutely no idea what caused this, but the gypsy decided that Lucy should get a magic lamp. Why? She didn't have a high Lifetime Aspiration score, nor did she have nearly any hobby points. She'd been platinum most of the time for a couple of days, but that's happened to several sims without any free genies. So why? To a random, ordinary child, of all sims? Current theory: Gypsy is just trying to fuck with our minds. She does it for the lols.

BIRTHDOGBATHCHAOS. There was no way we could take this picture with the walls up, so.

The baby is a girl, we name her Leah.


Jennifer: Hon, they can see you in the mirror...

Lucy with her dog, Rochester, who's about twice as big as her. Tina Traveller watching TV in the background.

Lucy's birthday! Yay cakes. It's hard to have kids' birthday parties involving actual children, because they all GO HOME after 6pm and then there's school the next day so that's pretty much out too.

Now a teenager, Lucy decides to make her first wish from the genie.

Lucy: I'm a TEEN now, I can't share a room with my baby sister! O genie, give me a huge bag of money! Or better yet, MANY huge bags of money! Of increasingly smaller value!

Genie: Done.

First mission: New clothes, that do not look idiotic. And a new hairstyle.

Lucy: I am HOT.

Then, a nursery for Leah, so there's no screaming babies in Lucy's teen room of extreme privacy. PINK because Leah is a GIRL.

John: :(

Lucy still prefers blue to pink.

old stuff, pleasantview, old megahood, dreamer, burb

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