Ottomas - dressed for different seasons! (Maxis Taste dare)

Aug 30, 2009 12:08

So I'm still having trouble getting the next part for Pleasantly Strange done. It's in my head, but... can't find the inspiration to sit down and work on it. I think once I get this chapter done it'll be easier, I'm all excited about the NEXT part, just... this one is tough. :p Hope someone's still interested in reading in when I finally get it done. ;)

Meanwhile, here's the Ottomases for the latest Maxis Taste dare.

I recreated them in Veronaville, which we're not really playing at the moment. Veronaville is set up with Spring - Summer - Summer - Autumn so their winter clothes are rather light.




Late Autumn/Winter

maxis_taste, veronaville, old stuff, makeovers, ottomas

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