maxis_taste Dare 004: Dreamer House Makeover

Sep 24, 2008 09:46

Here's our makeover of the Dreamers' house for the fourth maxis_taste dare. Since both Darren and Dirk wear blue, and there's some blue going on in the house already, we went with a blue theme (plus white and wood).

The old Dreamer house, as we all know it...

...has been transformed into this:

There's a driveway now (it just fit!), a pond out back and a general garden sort of area to the right. The house has been repainted and only the second floor is made of wood now. Steps have been changed to white, and windows and doors have been replaced. Roof tiles also changed to blue.

Some closeups of the garden:

Complete with grill and telescope on the back porch.

And the interior...

The first floor:

Changed to:

And the second floor:

Changed to:

Let's have a look at the kitchen.

Old kitchen with its inefficient and boring layout was changed into something more modern and useful.

The desk by the doorway was replaced with a chess table. Also notice the new stairs and the little decoration under it.

The dining area:

Computer desk and phone can now be found by the front door:

The ugly yellow carpet and worn couch of the old living room...

...replaced with more, delicate blue:

And the bathroom behind the staircase?

Hideous, isn't it?

Now also blue:

Dirk actually has a decently sized bedroom, but the way it was furnished before made it look very tiny - just a room with a bed in it:

With our makeover, he now has his own place to study:

As well as a stereo, and a bookcase of his own. But he did keep the model airplane:

Moving on to upstairs...

Second floor is Darren's space, so we decorated it accordingly. Previously, the main room was just like... a big room of mess, really.

We tried to make it more... personal!

Main painting area:

The infamous fruitbowl picture!

TV and stuff:

Old stereo, some more paintings:

Darren's old bathroom (please ignore that walls-down-revealing reflection, oops):

New bathroom:

Still simple, but more stylish!

Finally, Darren's bedroom also got a makeover. He couldn't keep sleeping in that crappy bed, for one:

You'll notice the walls and general style of the room is much the same, though.

There's just... less big empty space.

That's all! Of course, the price of the house went from a little over 21k to a little over 101k, but... eh... well, Darren could always marry Cassandra Goth, right?

maxis_taste, old stuff, pleasantview, makeovers, dreamer

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