Okay, so, round 6 was when I introduced Veronaville as a subhood to my Riverblossom Hills. In retrospect, I kind of wish I hadn't, since it made the rounds considerably longer a bit too soon. Nevertheless... Have some makeovers of the main Capp house, which I also moved Goneril and her family into.
I moved the front door... and demolished and rebuilt all of the insides. Also, apologies for the lighting, the lot was at sunset when I entered it.
Goneril and Albany's room is on the far right, followed by Ariel's nursery. In the upper left corner is Tybalt and Hal's room, bottom left corner is Miranda and Desdemona's room, and next to that is Juliette and Hermia's room.
The kitchen and living room are more or less in the same areas as before. That's Consort's bedroom in the left corner.
Before pictures:
And then, makeovers of all the residents:
Goneril, her husband Albany and their four children moved in after her mother died. The house and family business are, of course, to be passed on to Juliette (Cordelia's eldest daughter, and Cordelia was in turn Contessa's eldest daughrer) - once she comes of age - but in the meantime, Goneril decided that the Capp household couldn't be without an adult woman there to make sure things run smoothly. She couldn't possibly leave such important things up to her poor, old father. (Besides, she has three daughters of her own, the eldest of which is around Juliette and Hermia's age... and she wouldn't mind seeing Miranda or even Desdemona inherit instead, if you get my meaning.)
(Storyline heavily inspired by
tomwood1906, who I very much miss and wish would come back and continue their story.)
And here's Consort. Poor, old man indeed. He is suspicious of Goneril's motives, and he did promise to look after Juliette when Contessa was on her deathbed... But he also respects the family tradition, and didn't know how to tell his daughter no when she asked to - no, demanded to - move into the family home to "take care of business until Juliette graduates from college".
Hermia, Juliette's younger sister... She knows that, technically, if Juliette should decide that running the Capp family home and business is not for her, Hermia is next in line. But she doesn't really want to think about that too much. The only thing on her mind is getting OUT of the house, and away to college... and Puck, of course. And, despite her better judgement, Mercutio...
Juliette, the heiress herself, who really wishes life were simpler. Sure, she wants to honour her mother and grandmother... But most of all, she just wants to elope with Romeo - the grandson of Patrizio Monty, a sworn enemy of the family.
Patrizio was once in love with Contessa, but their respective family traditions were both very strong, and very incompatible. Both refused the other's offer to join businesses, get married and take the other's name, and when Consort came along - before Contessa and Patrizio's relationship was officially "over" - things got really ugly.
The great fire was what really escalated the affair into outright war, though. Both families suffered heavy losses, including their heirs, and both families blame the other, suspecting that the fire was not as accidental as the police concluded that it was...
Moving on... This is Ariel, Goneril's youngest daughter. At the moment, her only ambitions include sleeping, eating and playing.
And this young man is Tybalt, Juliette's older brother. Tybalt has an anger management problem. Not because Juliette is going to inherit, and not him - never him, unless both his sisters, both his aunts, and all three of his female cousins should perish or give up the claim - no, he's been used to that idea ever since he was a small child. It's just how things are done in North Veronaville. No, it's because no one's ever paid him much attention at all. He's always been in the background... unimportant, uninteresting. Even his own father, when he was still alive. And now Juliette is sneaking off with that Monty scumbag, and somehow Tybalt is the bad guy for pounding the little snot a bit in his ugly face like he deserves? Life isn't fair.
Hal goes mostly unnoticed too, but at least Albany cares more than Caliban seemed to care for Tybalt. And Hal and Desdemona are the best of friends.
Desdemona is a lively young girl, whose favourite things include the colour pink, and the telescope. She's still too young to care too much about the family drama.
(You may notice that Hal, Desdemona and Ariel have slightly different faces. I mixed their original faces with features from their parents, because really, I don't need any more straight face template #2 and Kaylynn/Cassandra faces walking around.)
Miranda, on the other hand, is very much aware of the politics going on around her... and she is doing her very best to ignore them. If her mother thinks that she's going to usurp the Capp throne and name Miranda her heir, she is more delusional than Miranda originally thought. Like Hermia, Miranda only has two interests: boys, and getting the hell out of here. The only difference is that Miranda doesn't care to find someone to eventually settle down with.
Finally, there is Albany... Devoted husband and father. He loves his children more than anything, and is working on talking a reluctant Goneril into having just one more... Just one. Won't be any trouble at all, he will take care of everything so she can focus on business. Well, everything except that whole pregnancy and birth part...
Juliette tries to see Romeo whenever she can. She knows her family disapproves, and that she can't possibly hope to marry Romeo if she's going to become the Capp matriarch someday, but still... a girl can dream.
When Goneril isn't AT work, she works from her home office... These businesses don't run themselves, after all.
Albany: "Look at Ariel, isn't she just a little angel... But soon she'll be all grown up, too. What do you say, Goneril? Wouldn't it be nice to hear the sound of little feet once more?"
Goneril: "I don't know about that... But I wouldn't mind a practice run."
Ahem... Let's leave them to it.
Hermia and Miranda are quite similar to one another, and get along well. They've made a pact to never get involved with Goneril's plotting and the whole inheritance thing.
And Tybalt... is bonding with the butler.
Well, actually, he gets along quite well with his grandfather. He also doesn't mind his aunt Regan and uncle Kent, but he doesn't see them very often.
Goneril tries to get her children into private school... Unfortunately, the headmaster is none too impressed with the children's grades, nor with the Mac'n'Cheese he is served (none of the Capps are good cooks, and the butler had retired for the night), or Goneril's pushy attitude.
Goneril drowns the pain of rejection in a cup of espresso, while Miranda tries to convince her that really, she's happy in public school, and Hermia tortures Tybalt in the background.
But Cordelia's children got into private school at first try... Goneril can't have her children be inferior to her sister's.
Although it may not always seem like it, Goneril is happy to have such a loving and supporting husband as Albany. He's happy taking care of their kids and with his simple teaching job on the side, and hardly ever complains about her spending so much time working.
Looks like Tybalt has made himself a new friend... Veronaville isn't that far away from Riverblossom Hills, although Académie Le Tour is between them. It's just that Riverblossom Hills is at such a high altitude, making the climate very different.
Desdemona works on getting her grades up... If the private school headmaster rejects them again, it won't be her fault.