Eros/Thanatos (Part 2, FINALLY)

Nov 22, 2010 03:44

Title: Eros/Thanatos
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairing: HG/Myka
Rating: NC-17 (for part 2)
Spoilers: Up to 2x12, "Reset"
Disclaimer: Just borrowing them. If I owned Warehouse 13, the Season 2 finale would have ended MUCH differently.
Summary: Two-part response to anna_sinistra 's prompt on the Meet At Gunpoint 100 Members Comment-Fic Party thread. HG went to Warehouse 2 looking for something much more important to her...and much more dangerous.
AN: Heaven help me, I'm letting my literary theory class affect my writing (strangely enough, it works though). Freud believed that death's opposite was not life, but love. It's his concept of Eros/Thanatos - Greek for Love/Death

I know, I know, it's ridiculously late in coming, but I wanted to get it JUSTRIGHT. That and school got in the way. >.<

Part One: Thanatos

Part Two: Eros

fan fic, user: green78

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