Fic: Warm Up (PG-13, complete, ~2.3k) + bonus one-shot

Sep 14, 2012 17:46

Title: Warm Up
Author: Ursula (lovesthesoundof)
Rating: PG-13 (mild sexuality)
Warnings: Series will go to NC-17, the dark way
Disclaimer: Given what I'm about to put these characters through, it's probably a good thing I don't own the Warehouse.
Notes: Introduction to the Freaks, Geeks and Warehouse Agents 'verse, a darker AU in which artefacts leave scars and neutralisation is a crapshoot. Set during 2x09 timeline-wise. Thanks to racethewind10 for continuing inspiration and encouraging flail.

( It begins in Moscow. )

Comments welcome here or at Ao3.


Bonus material: a one-shot from tumblr.

goddess of gifts (R, ~1k) - Myka catches a glimpse of a time long past. Spartacus: Gods of the Arena crossover; inspired by one of mandatory-sex-party’s gifsets. Warning for drug use.

Comments welcome here or on tumblr; my ask box is open if you have an account.

If you're looking for a list of all my work, there's one up at my tumblr.

fan fic, user: lovesthesoundof, crossover

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