Title: Summer Fun
Author: Athena
Pairing: HG Wells & Myka Bering
Rating: PG-13+ish (mostly for the last part)
Spoiler: season 2
Disclaimer: If I did own the rights to Warehouse 13, Myka and Helena would have a lot more fun, and be less lonely - trust me. Anyone who does not sound familiar to you from W13 belongs to me: Mina, Majeed, the people at the barn and any new people you will meet in this, and future chapters.
Summary: The Changing of the Seasons Saga continues. Summer is here and Warehouse missions are mixed up with some more relaxing time. A very inquisitive four-year-old freaks Myka out with a statement that leaves little to the imagination. Helena gets hurt during a mission and tries to hide it from Myka. Myka gets upset when she finds out. But what can't a little TLC and some high quality champagne fix? Hot tub fun, kissing, cuddles, horses, scary missions - it's all in here.
Note: One of the main ideas for this story was to have Helena rebuild her life. I wanted her to make friends and develop relationships, not just within the Warehouse family. Myka is the focus of her world of course, but even she realizes that Helena needs other people in her life. People are watching Helena carefully, still a little worried that she is unable to settle in and have a normal life in this world.
Changing of the Seasons Saga
Winter Solstice
Chapter 1: Mistletoe & Wine Chapter 2: Ghosts of Christmas Past & Present Chapter 3: Christmas Crackers Winter Wonderland
Chapter 1: Snow Chapter 2: Jingle Horse Chapter 3: Winter Mischief… and cake Spring is in the Air
Chapter 1: Legolas
Chapter 2: Scheherazade Chapter 3: Old Secrets Revealed Summer Fun
Chapter 1: Picnic Baskets & Pitter Patter of Little Feet .