May 18, 2005 17:19
It's a funny concept, if you stop to think about it.
It's always in the sky, somewhere "up there" just outside of attainment, hidden behind the sun, a place you "go to" (if you've been "good") after you burn out your slack bag of bones and shuffle off this mortal coil. It's hidden in the cosmos, above and beyond the dirt and grime and suffering and struggle that comprises a large part of daily existence on our wretched rock. Here's the catch-- "everyone wants to go there, but nobody wants to die," as the saying goes. So whaddafuckdoyado? You try to get as close to it as you can, singe your wings with whatever's at hand. And "whatever's at hand" is quite often one of the following: religion, alcohol, drugs, and that slippery little bitched called "love." These manifestions of the ecstasy/oblivion existential coin-toss are, ironically enough, collectively responsible for more deaths than anything else, except time and possibly starvation. How's that for a vicious fucking orbit?
-Chris Adams