Sep 14, 2017 08:42
Name: Toni
Status: Married
Age: 38
Location: South Chesterfield, VA {about 40 minutes south of Richmond}
Children: 12 year old daughter, 5 year old son
Sahm/wohm/wahm: I work full time as an assistant controller at Riverside Brick
Hobbies: Does sitting aimlessly scrolling through FB and Instagram count as a hobby? Cause that happens quite often. Also running my busy kids to their various activities during the week appears to be a hobby of mine as well. We are a pretty busy family, and always have something going on during the week and weekends. I enjoy reading, cooking, and working out. I work out at home almost every morning before anyone else is awake in my house. That is my me-time. :)
If you are interested in being friends let me know!