Apr 01, 2007 01:09
YAR! Now she has gone and left me all alone.
I love people that make the effort to come and visit me though, it doesn't happen often :) And last night was actually hilarious!!
I had a missed call when I finished work...from Bethnay! I rung her back and she was all like "Meesh can I come and visit you?" And I was like :D MAZIN. She didn't arrive until about 9, then we went for a shopping expedition looking for Kahlua. Literally had to drive to Newbury for it in the end!!! Threshers didn't have any, they told me how to pronounce it though :$ I was like "I'm looking for a drink, it begins with K, like koola or something" (I'm well cool) "Kahlua" They corrected me "No we don't sell that". Big co-op was closed and the staff in the little one didn't even know what it was! Then my poor Dad was forced to drive to the next nearest off license (no luck) and to Sainsburys in NEWBURY. He was not pleased. We found it though, and returned back to my gaff with a litre bottle of vodka and the Kahlua.
WHITE RUSSIAN TIME, for some reason I decided to call them "politically correct Russians"...more on that later.
We had a few glasses then decided to go out for a fag...well a walk...and the walk turned into a trip to the pub for an hour and a half. MARTIN WAS THERE. I swear he lives at that place... So was "vest" this was mentioned a few times. Me and Bethnay both had a pint of cider and began txting people about strap ons...amongst other things. I discovered that I'd txted Bethnay a few weeks ago telling her I wanted to do Paulie up the arse with a strap on...this disturbed me...what disturbed me even more was that I didn't even remember txting her that. WHAT?!
1 pint of cider and way too many cigarettes (apparently) later...
We left the pub at about 12 30 and stumbled home to drink some more politically correct russians/foreigners. Bethnay spilt many a glass all over my floor/amp/random pieces of paper on my floor. BOOO. But I still love her.
We got more ice out of the freezer a bit later but then my Mum woke up and got angry...about the same time Bethnay was doing a forwards roll down my landing (it's very long). We loled a lot and then began to phone people...
I can't remember the exact order but we rung Paulie and his was gay and asleep so we left a sexy answerphone message...I don't remember what it said....oops. We then tried to ring Ben but he didn't answer and then we rung Ed and his friend was there and Bethnay asked him if he was the smelly one (at Ed's party there was a room where most of his friends slept and it stank) I don't remember much else about that conversation. Then we rung Ben and he answered...at the same time I txt Ed...I actually have to write this txt coz it is the best thing ever written.
"Are you having a shower with the bath with the bath people or a shower? With lynx shower gel?"
Errr...WHAT ?!:D
Then we rung Josh and by then I was way way drunk and remember very little. Only about how he hadn't named his chickens yet, then Bethnay told him to name the buffest one Dermot. Obviously Joshua does not find chickens sexually attractive so we started talking about chicken anal sex...or something. HECK I don't want to think about it, all I know it I wrote random things in my drafts so I could remember them and "chicken anal" was one. Not the nicest thing to see when I went to send a txt at 9 in the morning :(
Bethnay also told Josh to do a forwards roll out of his bedroom to the bathroom, he told her there was a corner there so he couldn't "YOUR HOUSE HAS CORNERS?!" Oh Bethnay (love that girl) she then said that she wanted a baby elephant and when it got too big she would eat it....errr :/
It may have been around this point that I fell asleep on my bed...for about an hour apparently, I also kicked Bethnay in the head for being too loud...apparently. I barely remember this. But I woke up at 4 30 thinking I'd just had a wee nap, only to discover Bethnay in the toilet and her day clothes on the floor. Apparently I had fallen asleep for an hour sprawled on my bed :D
We then went to sleep as I had to be awake at 7 45 as I had a hair appointment at 8 15 :(
MY HAIR COST ME £130!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly fainted...seriously. Lack of sleep plus semi hangover plus MASS AMOUNTS OF MONEY. It was only like a semi permant colour + highlights + cut and...and...OH MY POOR BANK ACCOUNT. I came back home (as Bethnay had woken up at 11 15 (the time she was meant to catch the bus and meet me) and cried at the expense.
We then slept for 2 hours and went for a pub lunch, I attempted to drink a pint of cider in 15 minutes and failed (I'm a slow cider drinker) I then walked her to the station.
Awesome times. More people should come to thatcham. HINT HINT.
I'm very drunk and this has taken many moons to write. HAR.