dear KNIVES, i love you already.

Mar 17, 2005 17:13

i just won 'the most original and inventive protfolio out of the class.

school is great.

i also found out i can get my art history sketch book in tomorrow.. provided i start and finish it tonight yeeeehaw. kinda sucks cos this has gotta be the deadline past all dead dead lines.

i excited about summer today so so bad. im excited about KNIVES.

they better slay.

boo to

potential landlords hanging up on you.

student accodmation never having a chance of beign hott ever.

broekn microwaves and toasters being hidden.


old angel

havign no money durin fmp

not gettign in tocuh with current landlord for a looong time.

havign to pay bills.

indie kids (hundreds of them) at the angel. no.way.

talkign about the angel all the time

not beign abel to type or botherign to change typos today.

being twenty soon.

oh my god.





horay to

getting fittt before hitting 20.   ?????!!!

hopign to find and new house

dreamimg of a beutiful house

getting photos of fun back

winning awards at school.

smelly rabbit living outside.

a couple of more reasonable cds onthe dukebox at work.. this is proving difficult

fresh juices.

new oxfam book shop in hockley


meesh's-drink-she-needs-to-drink-already-paid-for-list at work.

star wars.


had the best night in watchign star wars with crrraaaig. but our attempt of three classics was utterly defeated. we managed the first one.

let's go running.


What are your ideas on having macrobiotic education in schools?
We asked Joe Waxman his opinion.

I think this will eventually happen. The first step is to get healthier food in schools.

This is already happening in various places. Organic vending machines have made it into
schools in America and sodas are being taken out. Some private schools offer vegetarian
and vegan lunches, like the one I went to for highschool, Kimberton Waldorf.

Soon enough, there will be a macrobiotic children's school. This will be the start of it. Over time
it will gain recognition and become more accepted as society reforms it's diet as a whole.

All the steps need to be taken together. Whole grains and vegetables need to more commonly eaten
all over, and macrobiotic education for the young and old needs to be established and accepted within society.
This does not negate anything about the modern diet or education. Both can exist simultaneously.
Macrobiotics can harmonize with it and establish order and understanding.

Eventually, both traditional and modern thinking will be covered and ordered by the big umbrella of
macrobiotic thought and understanding. The same goes for food and everything else.
Macrobiotics is not about moving backwards into a traditional lifestyle, but rather, using traditional
ways with modern ways, to move forward into the future.
Nothing is lost with macrobiotics, but everything gained.

Get involved: Feed Me Better is a Campaign to provide real school food.
We're campaigning to ban the junk and get fresh, tasty and, above all, nutritious food back on the
school dinners menu. Help us prove that school meals can be better.
Start a revolution in your school dining hall.

Already doing something? Tell us about it. See what other schools in your area are up to.
And find out what we're doing. Also sign our petition at

Your Questions: What about Macrobiotics and Osteoporosis?  We asked Gale Jack her opinion.
Basically among macrobiotic women the main cause is baked flour and salt. 
Though it would appear to be a yin condition as the bones are thinning, the basic cause
(as I understand it) is more yang.  So lighter cooking styles are needed, lots of variety, softer grain
at times, and minimizing baked flour such as sourdough bread, hard baked cookies, etc. 
Sourdough bread can be taken steamed once or twice a week or with soup.
 I seem to do well on unyeasted rye bread.

I also avoid calcium supplements because I feel they make the condition worse though
the calcium available in sea vegetables and leafy greens is very absorbable and necessary. 
It pains me when I see people throwing out the hard stems of collards and other vegetables;
they're so necessary to make our bones and teeth strong. 
And of course I avoid dairy as the molecules in milk and cheese are too large to be readily
absorbed in the human body and so the milk tries to discharge upward and contributes to breast
cancer while the cheese discharges downward and gathers in the form of fat around the ovaries
and uterus, causing problems in those areas (so I understand).

We all just have to practice as well as we can and oftentimes other long time macro friends
can see our condition better than we can and make helpful suggestions.

What is Osteoporosis? visit National Osteoporosis Society 
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