It's just flirting, you idiot

Jul 17, 2007 14:08

On a recent trip, I observed the difficulties of a guy (we'll call him Frank) who flirted too much.

I kind of sympathized with him yet also felt for the foolish girl (aka Anne) who was taken in by his charm. After all, it's not Frank's fault that he has an outgoing personality and that he also is touchy-feelie. On the other hand, he picked the wrong girl upon whom he lavished his undoubted skills.

Anne obviously is one of those females with very slow guy-dar. The type who believe that any guy paying that much focused and intent attention to her must be "into her." Yet, when he delivers the same banter and hands-on behavior to the next girl, she doesn't recognize the similarity. In fact, Anne emphatically stated that Frank was just flirting with the other girls while he most definitely meant what he said to her.

The upshot for the week-long trip was that Anne spent the entire time cuddled next to Frank: on the bus, at meals, while hiking, and trying to drag him to her hotel room at the end of the day. He, while enjoying the attention, clearly wanted to also spend time with others, including the other women in the group.

How can an intelligent woman not see what was so obvious to the rest of us?

Of course, many men have the same slow girl-dar. They react to a woman's momentary charm and attention as if it's a come-on. As if the woman, by being friendly and interested, has expressed her every desire to spend the rest of her life with the guy.

This behavior must stop. No, not the flirting and friendliness and charm. Rather, the annoyance of the slow ones who can't recognize the difference. So, here's a quick guide to help those slow guy- and girl-dars along:

1. Smiling and making eye contact while talking: listening.
2. Licking lips, watching your lips while talking: suggestive.
3. A nudge on your arm when making a punchline or quip: flirt.
4. Holding onto your arm after making a punchline or quip: interest.
5. A tap on your leg to gain your attention: friendly.
6. Sliding a hand along your leg to gain your attention: foreplay.

See the difference? A smile and/or touch is not expressing undying love and interest. It most definitely does not say, "I want to go out with you then throw you down on the closest breakfast table for mad, passionate sex."

Even though I'm the Evil Twin, I really try to not get caught by the slow girl-dars. But it does happen. And I've lost my patience: So, beware, men with slow girl-dars. I refuse to put up with your puppy-dog shit after I've simply been friendly. The next one of you who takes it into his head that I'm more interested than a simple eye-contact moment warrants will most definitely find out how evil an Evil Twin can be.

rant, flirt

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