Wow that a whirl wind week. I'm think I'm pretty much as pathetic as they come. Was on a break with the boy for 2 weeks. When he came over last Monday I was ready for what ever he had to say. Or so I thought. We broke up for about 15 min and once he attempted to give me back my key I lost it. Cried like a girl.
Truth is I really love him. I was not ready for my relationship to be done. I was willing to work. We agreed to work on thnngs. I knew they woulnt go right back to being great. But I figured with the right communicatin and time we could get through this. After all we had a great foundation and nothing could bring us down. Oh boy how wrong was I.
Thursday night out of the blue he calls me to say sorry he was starting to try but doesent have enough of it in him to try and that he coulnt do this anymore. On a voicemail that I woke up to at eleven thirty. We talked for a few min after that but really the damage was done. He wanted out ANd I had to be ok with it. Let's face it a relationship needs to people working on it to make it work.
Friday was awful. I didn't sleep Thursday night and cried just about every min of Friday despite being at work and then surrounded by friends. I did what I could to feel better that day by attacking him and attempting to make him as miserable as he made me. It didn't work and along with feeling bad I just made myself look desperate and pathetic.
The weekend I kept very busy with friends and activities so that was good. I really thought I was making headway. I was wrong he dropped my key off at my house at some point today and to me that marked the end of us. I didn't even say goodbuy. He coulnt face me to break up with me nor could he face me to give me back the key. I just can't figure it out.
How do I get my sorry self to move in and get over him. I don't really feel like anything even happened between us. He just isn't into this anymore. Nothing I can do. I'm just so sad. Today I am back to crying. Grrr.
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