Feb 12, 2013 14:56
Author page at Amazon’s AuthorCentral… check
(New) author page at Facebook… check (finally)
Author website… well, uhm, you know, ah, not yet. I’m working on it. Hopefully, I will procrastinate less than I have been with the afghan I began crocheting for B when he was about 3.(That translates to several years!)
Twitter… nope, add to the to-do list.
Every time I click “like” on an author’s FB page, or I add someone’s blog to my favorites, I feel like I’m dipping my toe in the stalking pool, but there are people who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge, so I should take advantage, right?
I realize I didn’t put the cover of Lost and Found or links to the story on the new FB page, but that is because I am trying something out. I envision Lost and Found as part of a series about vampire/monster/zombie hunters/fighters. At the moment, I am planning a series of short stories, but if I find myself writing a longer piece, I won’t say no. I also think I may upload a newer version of Lost and Found containing both Christmas Eve (the original title) and Christmas Day. Other stories are running around my head, and there are some that I want to revisit because I think they might fit into this universe.
And if anyone can point me in the direction of a (reasonably priced) freelance editor, let me know because that NYS Certification has not happened yet. My applications are still “ready for review” with a bunch of “unmet”(s)’ next to all the items under the automated evaluation history link.
In the meantime, here’s an excerpt from my current WIP, Christmas Day, from Hope’s POV
The funny thing is, what’s left of the government, the suits rumored to be hiding beneath a mountain somewhere in Nevada, thinks a bunch of people they essentially turned their collective back on will come to their aid. Wrong. The only reason there are any functioning military units anywhere in what’s left of the desert southwest is because 1) the vamps don’t want the territory and 2) people like me and Bas. We’re Chosen. We’re the ones people turn to when there’s a monster to be dealt with. Once upon a time, there was a bunch of us running around, staking things and cutting their heads off, keeping people safe. Vampires used to be my gig, but with the zombies’ arrival, I broadened my horizons.
It’s survival mode out here in the streets of Southern California. Reaching over my shoulder, my hand finds the sword pommel. I kinda wish I’d thought to grab a long bow. I’m a crack shot, and an arrow through the forehead would be as effective as any other correctly aimed projectile.
©2013 Michelle Moklebust
Oh yeah, and about that website, I’ll let you know.
christmas day excerpt,
web presence,
author pages,
lost and found,
publishing ebooks,