I had a prenatal check-up yesterday (33 wks) and all is well. I've gained 35 pounds so far and I still have 7 weeks left! I quit working out way too early on this one and have eaten way too much chocolate! Some days I feel like I'm going to reinact a scene from Alien. Moira has taken to pushing straight out and I feel my skin stretch to its
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If you get pain for the same reason I get pain there, it may be alleviated if you lie down on the floor (or other level, hard surface) and allow your body to realign your lower back. The floor is to provide counterpressure against your hip musculature which may have spasms because (among other things) your toes point outward more while you're pregnant. It comes with the waddling (and sleeping on your back with your toes weighed down by covers). If you feel up to it, some gentle leg lifts can help things, too.
DOn't forget to use cold to decrease inflammation and heat for relaxing a spasming muscle.
My sister always tells me that when I can't get out of bed from the pain. I actually fell on my husband (who was sleeping) when my legs gave out at a particularly bad spasm last year.
For the sake of being unusual, I am going to wager that Moira K. makes her debut on New Year's Eve so mum and dad can claim her on this year's tax return. I know that's early, but a 37 week girl shouldn't have too much trouble.
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