As is my standing "thing" now when big posting dates come up
SNOWPOCALYPSE!!!!.... steeplechasers applied this phrase to me during mini bang, when I couldn't get my stuff to her cause SNOW and NO POWER for almost A WEEK.
Well people, we're at it again. Posting is coming up for RBB and we're going to lose power. Looks like the blizzard of '15 will start tonight and continue until Wed. morning with 50 mile and hour winds and up to 4 feet of snow. I've been warned. Power outages are to be expected.
I'm, I don't know, something higher than concerned and lesser than freaking out. Fandom will survive without me. I've put in a contingincy plan should I not get power until next week and am trying to throw together (in a very organized fashion) a quicker version of plan A for my RBB.
I've at least got a few more hours.
Wendy and I being happy last week while we were away on a baby making expidition.
Wendy: ummmm, there's a storm trooper walking down the sidewalk
me: umm doubt it
Wendy: no really
me: do you even KNOW what a storm trooper is?
Wendy: I'm turning around
huh.....what do you know, a fucking storm trooper, and a little Anikan Skywalker too :)
Went to an Andy Warhol exhibit at our alma matter, it was really cool, A collection of his polaroids. I loved it.
Mt Katahdin was ridiculously beautiful with the bright blue sky and behold in the next photo.....
moose tracks.....!!!! we were up in moose country, sorry I didn't see any mooses tho.
ok....if you all never hear from me again, I love you and you'll be the last thing I'm thinking of before I succumb to hypothermia ♥♥ I have a flair for the dramatic.
.....must go work on plan A.