Apr 26, 2006 00:13
i voted like crazy for elliott on american idol. i wish he would make it to maybe the final 3 but that's too much wishful thinking on my part, although he wasnt in the bottom 3 last week.
if theres anyone who deserves to go home, its kelly. the girl cant sing for shit. i found it funny when andrea bocelli said that i like her shes nice or something. haha. nothing about her singing. shes only gone this far because of her personality.
i actually thought katharine sang well tonight despite the criticism she got. and was it just me or did her um privates nearly show through that slit on her plunging yellow dress?
taylor was okay. but just to jolt him, i wish he would land in the bottom 3 for once. look at what it did to chris, who seems so much more humble.
well anyway, dian an idol predicts paris and kelly bottom 2 and a toss up between katharine and elliott. cant wait for tomorrows results.