I think I understand a little better now.

Jan 28, 2007 08:27

Women I had castigated as viscious unfeeling bitches, I now see as pathetic little girls. Hurtful men I now know are just little boys.

When you let go of ego, you change EVERYTHING. When things stop being about me, they become about EVERYTHING.

I felt so sad last night, and when Adam called I just felt sadder, but you know my feelings are not the only thing and it's only when I think they are that they control me and WHAT I DO.

There's a LOT to do. I can help my brother and control my life and make a huge difference.

Adam loves me and Jess loves me and my family is EVERYTHING to me and I can be real and help these people and exist in a form not dominated by grief and shame and hurt. My decisions aren't a thing of pompous state, they're just one girl's small choices.

Small choices are EVERYTHING.

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