SO much stuff to do.
Stress seems to be right on the top of the list.
I start programming at my centre on Monday (I had no idea that it was so soon until today, which is my own fault for not being more attentive).
I have two more weeks of prac two days and class two days, and then two weeks of just prac two days a week, and if all goes well (read: I pass) then I am finished my course.
So...unprepared. So many assignments still due and only four weeks.
I guess I should call the centre tomorrow and arrange to come in Friday to sort stuff out.
It's Em's birthday today. YaY! She is out somewhere though.
Charlotte is very cute and sweet and I love her even if she does throw up on me and herself right after I change her.
For people who have no seen pics - they are on my flickr page I miss Catherine, but I think she is home this weekend sometime.
Anything else??
Well, it's Mulberry season, and we all know what that means.
Heidi out.