Outside I hear rolling thunder. There was plenty of lightning in the sky on my ride home already. Did I say ride? - Oh, yeah. After those last few years I'm back to riding a motorcycle. Don't know how long my business outfit is going to last that way, though.
J.P.'s at the mechanic's workshop waiting for a replacement part which will take a month to arrive, provided nothing worse turns up that would make repair costs go through the roof. Unless it's for the sake of nostalgia or a hefty tip, no mechanic is going to put in much effort in keeping my car shipshape. As for myself I wasn't sensible enough to have a look under the hood as often as I should have. With my strained budget, there were some things I simply didn't want to know.
Anyway it's ESPER taking me to places now. Justy is already retired. This should be confirmed on paper starting next month. Big B. is not igniting. His battery's almost empty from a futile attempt to get him started a couple of months back. I managed to get the decompressor unstuck. Next I'll need some fuel. Big B. must have leaked what little he had left on the sly.
As for work, I'm getting nervous. Business hasn't picked up, yet. There are some cases showing promise. Whether I can afford to wait for them, even if they don't back out, is another matter entirely. What I need is an unflappable work discipline, perfect reliability and a charisma score of 20. The team I'm in seems to be out of synch with itself and I'm embarrassed to admit, that I'm all too easily affected. If only my reserves were better ...
Worse come to worse I'll end up at square one as far as my "career" goes before the year is done. Which part of "never give up" am I going to implement I wonder?