Oct 19, 2010 21:14
My connection to the Net seems to have become a bit unstable the past couple of days. Yesterday, it went off about lunchtime. Well..kinda off. I could use SimpleMU to log into a MUSH, but rarely for long enough to do anything, and I couldn't connect tp any webpages. I went away for a few hours and it was working when I came back.
Today it went off again at half four, and back on again at coming up to 2100. This time I phoned my ISP about it. I had already both times tried the obvious - switch off for 10 or so, switch back on again, check connection wires ect to no avail. All the correct lights were on on the router as well.
I've no idea why this is happening...anynoe got any ideas ?
(Oh yes, the ISP helpline said they were referring me to someone who knew more tech stuff but they were busy so they would phone me back. Waiting to see if they do. If they do, I'm gopnna ask if they can think of a reason for it)