(no subject)

May 13, 2006 00:39

Hmmm, let's see if this works.  You see, one reason why I haven't been posting in here much recently is that I actually have been, except lj keeps eating my posts right before I finish them and, with my tendency to ramble, deleting an hour's worth of work that I tend to be too disgusted to duplicate.  So, if you never see this, you can know it's because lj ate it.  Only, if you never see this, you actually won't know that.  Ah, well.

So, I'm almost done with school.  Thank god.  This has really, really not been a fun semester, outside of class.  And even classes get annoying by the end of the year.  I am not really all that excited about my projects to finish for Thursday, but I'm sure I'll suffer through them.  I wish they were more exciting, so I could at least look forward to them a little more.  But, I already presented on my topics for all of them, so it's not like I can change the focus now.

Summer will be...interesting.  I'm doing Aida at TOTS with Lizzy, and hopefully Meredith.  It'll be a new crowd, so that's weird.  I hope I don't regret not doing Cats with Footlite.  I really, really hope I don't regret it.  We'll see.  Speaking of Footlite, we saw Into the Woods tonight.  It was wonderful!  The existence of Claire in the world makes me happy.  There were some great singers, and I loved pretty much all of the acting.  And Sondheim proved once again able to write musicals that make me cry and keep me thinking for hours afterwards.  It shows what a geek I am that I now want to write an analysis of the themes of fairytales, wishes, and children in that musical.  I could probably keep it under 10 pages.  If I pushed myself.

Um, summer will also include a job.  At St. Vincents, making lots of money, which is nice.  Working with both Spanish and Education, which is a pleasant surprise.  And being a medical interpreter, which is amazingly nerve wracking.  I am so scared that I'm gonna not understand something and end up killing somebody.  Apparently my brain doesn't have enough to do, so it invents wild scenarios to torture me.

The down part of summer is the living situation, with parents.  So, I have to somehow make excuses for being out late, let alone drinking.  it's not that these things aren't allowed.  It's just that I'll get guilt-tripped a ton.  At least at DePauw I don't go around feeling guilty all the time.  Speaking of DePauw, I may have the strange experience of having many friends to choose from this summer.  Erin will be coming home sometime soon, I expect.  And Frank is staying in Greencastle for the summer, putting him only an hour away, or half an hour if we meet in Plainfield.  I have a sneaking suspicious that if I do not at some point engage him in social activities he will devote his whole summer to either working on DePauw's computers or saving people's lives.  Which are silly things to do during summer.  My siblings will also be in the country for the entire summer (a first in I-don't-know-how-many years).  Mimi and Bill are always here, but I'm sure I'll see lots more of them during the summer.  Add to that my friends who usually come back to Indy for the summer.  And, as I am now 21, I may actually have a life this summer.  Or, more likely, I will just work and play video games.  We all know I'm too much of a dork to actually socialize with other people.

Um, so, yeah, that's my life.  I'll be done with this now.

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