The usual rules apply:
+COMMENT! I like to know what you like!
+Credit is nice but not necessary. If you do choose to credit please credit either
meep515 or
aperfectincubus+Icons are bases, you can mod however you'd like.
+feel free to friend this journal for updates.
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Yoinking some Seph and Kadaj. (with credit!)
I just thought "I have that icon!" to your icon. (I use it at aperfectincubus It's like seeing someone on TV with the same shirt as you. I felt quite foolish after I thought it.
I know what you mean by seeing someone on TV with the same shirt as you. XD
*sits in a corner and giggles about crossdressing Cloud*
Yeah, I'm SO using these for bases... You have inspired me. =D
Also, love this icon too!
And yea, the seph one, although the user tag didn't work, I know where you got it. I took the Reno one that is like it as well. :p
I LOVE Kadaj's little jrocker walk. =3
OT, but I HAVE to ask... how did you manage to get a style to apply to an individual entry page? I thought it could only be on the main journal page, friends, calendar... and that other one... forget what it is. XP
As far as the style being applied to my comments page, you can only do it with either a paid or sponsered account. This account I decided to have as a sponsered one because I wanted more icons without having to pay for double the journals. :)
So how do you do it?
I got to my journal, click on the comments, and it goes to the default LJ entry thing. x_x
What style is it linked to? Friends? I've only made a style for Recent (main journal).
*makes stabbing gestures at LJ*
I don't know the answer! But I think it depends on if you have a custom layout or a pre-made one. Mine is pre-made so all I do is go to customize, edit customizations and then I go here...
( ... )
And I'm using the S1 system, and editting my styles in raw mode (the screencap looks like you're using easy mode)
I like to create it myself. You have to know every inch of it, feel it, get inside it, yes, YES, OOOH YES! XDDDD
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