April is the cruelest month

Apr 05, 2024 20:55

I probably have a post with this title already, and cannot begin to care.

I hate the spring.

Once upon a time, I hated it, because it was when I couldn't breathe.

But I left the south, the area of the hideous pine trees, and its promiscuous pollen spewing everywhere and I just itch thinking about it.  So that's not my issue - not for April, at any rate.

I picked up a nerve damage/pain issue back in 2010, some of which seems to be triggered by air pressure changes...many of which happen up here in the spring. And I hate them.

I have had problems today specifically (and the earthquake and the aftershock didn't help, but even on normal days, when I'm driving and hit a pothole, my neck can get out of whack and there goes my day.)

My hands and face and arms and legs feel like I'm wearing an armor of pain, and this isn't helpful. Argh.


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