Nuance, nuages, secrets, brain dump

Jan 19, 2022 08:33

This will not be coherent, thus the post title.

I keep bits of paper and pens everywhere, but usually people steal my pens.

So I wrote a bunch of disconnected notes, connected to how I think, how I write, why I write, who I write for, etc.

Mostly I write for myself.... 10 years from now. Or something. The primary audience is me -- definitely for the LiveJournal, and my old journals on

The moment I write, I can push it out of my brain, and then I know I can always find it again and read it. None of these are secrets, obviously, and most of you don't have the context (heck, me 10 years from now will have lost the context). The secrets I have, such as they are, usually aren't the secrets you think of as secrets. Those sorts of things aren't my secrets... they're usually other people's secrets, told to me. And obviously, I'm not going to tell them. They're not mine.

Feedback loops -- poor language surrounding those. I used the old terms, negative & positive, and people get the wrong ideas from those terms. negative feedback loops tend to be good things in real life... positive feedback loops tend to be very very bad... destructive. So I need to use different terms

positive feedback loop -> amplifying feedback
negative feedback loop -> dampening feedback

Problem w/ words -- everybody has more receptive language than productive language, but sometimes the gulf is huge for some people, like with D. For me, I often lose my nouns. Very concrete nouns. I can visualize the object, and can describe it, but I've forgotten the name. Same for people. I can tell you how I know them, what they've done, what they look like, what I think about them, yadda yadda. But I've forgotten their name.

Problems w words

Numbers structure

Mind maps

People -- think about thinking... how they think, how they display their thoughts, can explain how they think or have trouble explaining to others how they think

Temple Grandin
JRR Tolkien
GK Chesterton
CS Lewis
Candace Wheeler
John McWhorter
Thomas Sowell
Ben Franklin
Florence Nightingale
WEB DuBois
Martin Garner

Remind myself

Mind maps

thought, later

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