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In the end, I just had to make a post about this because I watch the PV everyday.
The first time I saw the video, I had a huge smile on my face. I didn't bother going into the details because the first time is always for appreciating and absorbing everything my flailing self can absorb. The second time, I started noticing details. And then some more "ahhh, i see" moments after watching the video repeatedly.
And before I knew it, I couldn't stop watching the video anymore. I spent 3/4 of the time I was awake that day watching the video. The same thing happened the following day.
Thankfully, I was able to stop on the third day. I still watched the PV a number of times but it wasn't as bad as the first two days. As for yesterday and today, the first thing I did upon waking up is to watch the video. It's the same before going to sleep. I also realize that whenever I start watching the video these days, it's because I'm either bored or annoyed. I wonder what that says about me.
Honestly, this is the first time this has happened to me. EVER. And I'm a bit scared that the same thing will happen once the live performance comes out.
Don't get me wrong though. I absolutely LOVE this single. And it makes me happy that so many people like it too. The PV is doing well in getting the attention of those who used to like w-inds. as well as those who were never fans. The boys should make good use of this chance and continue impressing people (not that they aren't impressing the fans already).
Also, please help out in the
#addictedtolove Twitter project and spread it out to other fans!