Having a hard time

Sep 23, 2011 01:04

A bit has been on my mind lately. And that is why I have not been here..

It sucks. I've been reading people's sim stories for a long time, and I don't always remember to comment, or to introduce myself. But I read all these people's stories, and I feel like I'm reading into this knit of people's writing, but I'm not part of this small knit of people. I joined SWG a long time ago, and I'll have my spurts where I try to read people's stories and be involved. But I just don't stick with it. I don't stay. I don't have any stories myself to offer, so it's hard to see what I am capable of or to see who I really am if I don't have anything to offer. I do have my legacy that I attempted at, but my computer broke months ago and still awaits to live again. It's sad to start something then not be able to continue. I felt like I was finally being able to do this, and be in the sims writing group, then it poo-pooed in my face. I post my stories up, but how many people actually read them? How many people are actually reading this? The likely hood is like 2.

So here I am again.

Hello! My name is Miriam, if you did not know that. And please! Feel free to call me that! I THINK I've commented on people's stories, so if you do know who I am, let me know. I don't want to comment on your story, without introducing myself, and have you think "Who the heck is this?" When I've actually been following your stories for some time now. I went to go do that today, I wanted to post a comment and the thought crossed my head "Will she even remember me? It's been months since I've commented on something! Oh, I'll make a fool of myself." It's really silly actually. So here I am! Again. And I'm going to try to get myself involved once more. And stick to it.

I really needed to rant. :)

scared, rant, lonely

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