Ch. 1.1

Mar 01, 2011 20:37

Boom boom bam. Look at me go. Yay. yay. yay. *happy dance* This is sorta a legacy? Rules were meant to break. Watch me. I'll sorta follow them. I'll sorta not. Maybe you'll recognize the ones I do follow.

Here is our lovely founder, Gabriel Sapphire. Yum :)He is SUCH a cutie. He has light blue eyes, and dark red hair. You can see his traits, his favorites are Grilled Salmon, Irish Green, and Soul Music. Pisces. His LTW is Possession of Nine Tenths of Law. Which includes 50,000 simoleons worth of stolen items. Should be fun. :)

meenum: Gabe, I think you should go introduce yourself to those neighbors behind ya! While I build your new abode.
Gabe: Sounds fun!

According to Pinstar, I'm supposed to buy a specific lot. Which I couldn't find. So I bought the next to best thing, the biggest lot in town. Which was cheap, so I had lots of money left.

Gabe: Hey there! I'm your new neighbor next door!
FriendlyNeighbor: Do you happen to have a brother by any chance?
Gabe: Not that I know of...
FriendlyNeighbor: Oh, nevermind. Welcome to the neighborhood!

So while Gabe was off, I built him this mini mansion. Hehe. I'm pretty happy (not really) with it. It doesn't contain much, but on the plus, it has lots of room for improvement. Starting from the top right, we have his bedroom. Moving to the left his bathroom. A fridge and stove that doesn't count as a kitchen are beside that. And a table, chair, and comfy chair to finish it off. I did paint all the walls. Well, I was forced to, or sims freak out. This led me to about 1,000 simoleons. Great.

meenum: Good job Emeril!
Gabe: I happen to like burnt waffles.

My mail box doesn't work?

With not so much money in the bank, I decided some free fun was the best option.

meenum: Gabe! Look at that old man whose showing you up!!
Gabe: *GASP!*

Is there a reason a toddler is left right next to those deadly running machines?

While he was cleaning up, I came across Gabe's twin! Look at that!

meenum: GABE! You have a twin! One we never knew about!
Gabe: No way!

Gabe wanted to meet him right after checking the sink. Turns out he really isn't his twin after all. He looks a bit scary.

meenum: lame.
Gabe: We could still be friend, right?
NotSoTwin: No.
meenum: rude.

I've only seen a riot once before in TS3. It dissapoints me that right when Gabe showed up, everyone put their signs in their pockets and stopped yelling. Gabe was still in the spirit though!
Gabe: BOOOOOO!!!! Your guitar playing suuuuuuuucks!!! Booooo!

Dinner in the park is free, and you know how I love that free. Gabe didn't burn the hotdogs. I am pretty proud of him.
Gabe: Why thank you.

Gabe: Where did you come from??
Barbie: These ho'dogs are delicious!
Gabe: Is your bed comfortable? [innocent]
Barbie: *choke* wha??

Oh awkward Gabe :)

I made him leave for two reasons. One, that conversation was going down hill. Two, his fun meter was also going down, since I haven't really done anything "fun" yet. But Barbie followed him over to gossip behind his back.

Townie: He wanted to do what in her bed?! Sick.

Gossip always gets jambled up. Come on people!!

I made him go home. It was late. Plus, you hadn't seen the front of the house yet.


I love to watch him freak out. It's hilarious. And the little moodlet of calm is the result of it. So it's a win-win situation.

Gabe: I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!

Work? Job? Labor? Yeah, sorry. Forgot to mention that Gabe here got himself a job. He's a Decoy in the Criminal [area,section,branch,whatcha-ma-call-ims]

Even with a job, Gabe is still broke. I mean, he's making less than 20 simoleons an hour. That's enough to buy a rug!

Gabe: I like rugs!
meenum: Will rugs feed you?

So another night of fun was called. This time, REAL fun.

meenum: Gabe, when did you change?
Gabe: *smiles*

So we went to the library. In style. Where we ran in to NotSoTwin.
I know what you're thinking, "Wow. The library?" But the real fun couldn't start until 10pm. Have a problem with that? Talk it up with EA.

Reasons why this picture is amazing:
1. He is taking an amazing car.
2. It's Barbie's Car.
3. Barbie is watching.
4. He steals it successfully in a tux.

I know that Pinstar ALSO says not to steal things and sell them. But if you want to eat dirt, than go right ahead and continue that rule. How am I going to build a decent home with less than 500 simoleons?

Upgrade! Everything is in the same areas, just fancier looking, bigger, and more stuff! Yay! But still no car. shoot.

10,000 simoleons brings a smile to my face. Gabe's face too.

Gabe: Can I book a round-trip to Egypt please?
AssistantLady: What's the name?
Gabe: Gabriel Sapphire.

sapphire, sims3, legacy, gabe

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