Sep 29, 2005 10:24
I saw two movies in the theatre after a very long time. (SPOILERS)
1) Constant Garderner: Murder mystery story about a social worker who gets killed in Africa, after stumbling on a conspiracy from a pharamaceutical company. Shaky camera made me sick. But was very moving to see the extremely poor conditions that people will live under, when forced to. The Line: "Maybe you can't save everyone in the world, but we can help this one person, right here, right now". I guess it's meant to show that even if we can't help in the big ways, any help we do is good.
2) Lord of War: Super cool movie with Nicholas Cage. "I don't want people to get killed with my gun, I would rather that someone fires a shot and misses". It shows how profitable gun trafficking is, so much that the people selling the guns don't care how it is used. It points to how so many atrocities are going on in africa, simply because the world doesn't care about the people there, as there is nothing to be gained. There was one scene that was really horrible where a camp of refugees are kept alive, till the "leaders" can buy the guns to shoot them. And all the dictators have named themselves 'freedom fighters' or 'rebel leaders'.
Even in this movie, there is some discussion about the futility of trying to change a impossibly corrupt system. But the underlying message seems to be that even if it doesn't make a big difference, every little effort you make counts. Even if it affects just one person, it is a big impact. As my mom always says "Seru Thulli...Peru Vellam". (Little drops together can cause a big flood).