Jan 08, 2008 20:26
Tomorrow I rejoin Weight Watchers. Good thing, as I feel like I'm getting humungo! I am not looking forward to the sacrifices, but I know it will be worth it as my pants start feeling looser.
Oh yea, Christmas update. George got me the 16 GB iPod Touch. I loooove it! I got him the 80 GB iPod Classic... exactly what we both wanted. The only drawback is that he is completely content sitting all day and importing his music. Talk about boring!
At G's work, he had to write a Christmas tradition on an index card and hang it on the Christmas tree. He wrote, "Since this is our first Christmas in our home, I am looking forward to making new traditions with Girlface." Yes, I am his Girlface. I thought that was a sweet gesture. Our tradition is that we opened our gifts on Christmas morning instead of Christmas Eve at my parents. Nothing too unique, but you gotta start somewhere!
I am going to start applying for public library jobs.