May 13, 2008 14:06
Iiiiit's that time of year again. Exam time, final crunch time. I've gotten one paper and one exam out of the way, so that's good. One more ten page paper and my psych exam tomorrow to worry about. Then I am FREE and -- need to figure out what to do over the summer.
Bleah, I'm so damn tired. I'm so ready for school to be over. Next year should be groovy, though. I have two French classes, and two detective fiction classes (on of which is also a French class). And random Sociology. I was going to take Math this summer, but the timing didn't work out.
In happier news, my school had free, professional massages today. Ten minutes of delightfulness. The lady who did me was like, "Wow, I know we're just supposed to relax you and not try to fix you, but when I see a neck like yours I can't help it." My muscles are crazytense in my neck. She asked me if it was okay if she used some -- muscle relaxing ointment or something, or shifted the head rest, or whatever. At that point, she could have had a broom in the small of my back, her fingers up my nostrils, and be pulling in opposite directions and I could not have cared less. It felt really amazing.
Though of course I'm ruining it all by being flopped on my stomach with my computer, but I just fail like that.
So yeah, I guess just letting you all know that I'm not dead. I'm just -- crazy busy for the next thirty hours or so.
Okay -- Hamlet paper time. Wish me luck! Oy. :\