beep boop bop write the g'dammed post

Jun 08, 2015 22:43

::x-posted to the sinpozium dreamwidth and livejournal community::

As promised! and within a reasonable time frame!

As per my vague preamble before my vid show, the theme for Saturday was retrospective with an emphasis on the transition of vidding around 2002-2004

I started with "Both Sides Now" by Kandy Fong

and then straight into the show:

1 - "Wouldn't It Be Nice?" by Laura Shapiro. 2001. Multi-fandom.

2 - "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" by alasen. 2002-ish said alasen when I asked her, posted in her lj 2003. Due South.

3 - "Polka Party" by Waldo. 2001. Multi-fandom.

4 - "Sorry" by sineala. 2002. X-Files Mulder/Krycek

5 - "In Your Eyes" by Lynn. 2001. Stargate SG1 Jack/Daniel (access is a bit tricky, follow the site instructions to get a password)

6 - "Opportunities" by Carol S, Killa and WOAD Society.2002. Highlander constructed reality/crime AU.
Uh, I can't find this online, I've had my .mov file of this vid since 2004, here is the fanfare page? SORRY!

7 - "Repeat After Me" by f1renze and sweetestdrain. 2006. due South, Queer As Folk (US) and Xena: Warrior Princess

8 - "The Mountain" by Melina and astolat. 2004. Lord Of The Rings.

9 - "Snakes on a Plane" by Dualbunny. 2007. Harry Potter.

10 - "This Is How It Works" by lim. 2006. Stargate Atlantis. Vid of Synecdochic's 'Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose'
The fanfare page for this vid is worth a read, as was shouted after the vidshow, don't read the fic unless you like crying!

11 - "Bohemian Like You" by PR Zed. 2005. Multi-fandom. (another password protected site but also available on the circuit archive here)

12 - "Anything For Love" by astolat and Speranza. 2012. I would class this as fannish meta ;)

Sunday vid show!

1 - "Wrecking Ball" by Talitha. Thor/Loki Vid Summary: Thor is a wrecking ball of emotions.

2 - "Gone Tech" by blithesea. Almost Human Synopsis: Once you gone tech, you ain't never going back.

3 - "Salute" by shinyjenni. DC Animated Summary: "Athena knows the League could use more female members."

4 - "Blank Space" by purplefringe and such_heights. Doctor Who, Master/Doctor Summary: So it's gonna be forever or and it's gonna go down in flames

5 - "She Keeps Me Warm" by such_heights. Saving Face (film) summary: This could be good. Wil/Vivian.

6 - "I Will Never Let You Down" by Trelkez. 21/22 Jump Street - Jump Street movies Summary: "You're a smart guy, and you're thoughtful and you're sincere, and you're sweet and you're loyal, and I fucking cherish you. ... Should we high five?"

7 - "we came to learn the sea" by Raven. Star Trek: TOS, TNG, Voyager, DS9, and Enterprise "You are my compass."
-Kathryn Janeway to Tuvok, "Prime Factors"

8 - "EXPO" by lim.

9 - "Centuries" by Milly. The Flash. Villains/Rogues SNART!

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sinpoz, vids

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