
Sep 01, 2005 00:16

i haven't written in forever. i did this exact quiz... a while ago.... almost...... a year and a half ago. but i'm going to do it again. just for kicks!

best friend: christine kim
car: toyota cressida
date: group movie date with Keye and Katherine
real kiss: kyle
breakup: kyle, around 20 something times
screen name: amkoba
self purchased album: no doubt
funeral: great-grandmother's
pets: 3 dogs
tattoo: none
credit card: ATM/Credit card from Kinecta
true love: i'm changing my answer to Shin. true love doesn't end.
enemy: Carlos
musician you remember hearing in your house: the rasins

cigarette: never
car ride: today
kiss: shin, today
good cry: youth retreat... geyserfest
library book checked out: dont remember
movie seen: old school
beverage drank: water
food consumed: dumplings
crush: shin
Last phone call: shin
Last time showered: a few hours ago
Last shoes worn: sandals
Last cd played: worship CD
Last item bought: fruit
Last annoyance: not being able to sleep... aka right now
Last disappointment: knowing i dont get to see shin tomoro
Last time wanting to die: long time ago. it shall stay that way for GOOD
Last shirt worn: reg. T-shirt
Last website visited: this... livejournal
Last word you said: "OKAY"
Last song you sang: "im on fire" - switchfoot
What is in your cd player?: nuffin muffin
What color socks are you wearing: none
What color of underwear are you wearing?: pinkish
Whats under your bed?: rats and cockroaches.. lol..
What time did you wake up today?: 5am

Where do you want to go?: live in san diego
What is your career going to be?: optometrist or teaching english in japan
Where are you going to live?: san diego! lol...
How many kids do you want?: 2
What kind of car: VW BUG!!!

mood: tired
music: television
taste: nuffin
hair: bleh
clothes: pjz
longing: to sleep
desktop picture: a.. wave?
(all time) favorite artist: no clue... saosin, emery
book: tuesdays with morrie, fresh wind, fresh fire!!
color of toenails: clear!!
time wasting wish: to have an easy and clear path set before me
hate: insomnia

My name is: Allison Koba
I may seem: stupid
But I'm really: more dumb than you think... plus im lazy. that makes it all the worse
Sometimes I feel: goofy
In the morning I: wake up for schooll yo!
I like to sleep: yes i do
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: sleeping
Money is: sleeping.. haha.... its MISSING
One thing I wish I had is: martial art skill
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: asthma
All I need is: God
Love is: in my life =)
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: woot, holler, and have a party
If a demon crashed into my window I would: pray and close my eyes
If I could see one person right now it would be: Jesus
Something I want but I don't really need is: a job
Something I need but I don't really want is: a job
I live for: God
I am afraid of: being alone, losing people
It makes me angry when: bad things happen to good people... or vice versa
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