up and about but not moving

Jun 04, 2004 04:24

Well!!! it's time for my EARLY MORNING entry!!! i seem to make one EVERYTIME its like... near those LATE or.. EARLY hours! hahahahaha.. cuz my mind gets hysterical and i go all weird... bleh!!

i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired! yet i cannot sleep! mayb it was the starbucks. =/ NAH, it never did this before. yanno..... i think i need to sleep. BUT I CANT. what the fuck? OOPZ, i cussed. shit. AHHHH!!... oh.. yanno..... i dunno! what the hell ami doing tomoro? OR TODAY.. muahahahahaha.. freaking 4 am in the morning...

I THINK im gonig to shins house. he's stuck in the house today. but shugo deserves to have fun!!! senior breakfast and stuff.. LOL... wen u ditch school to eat breakfast and its LEGAL... hahahaahahha... ok, what was i talking about again?

lalala.. im tired. i want to go clubbing without the perverted guys. DUDE, u jus dance and suddenly ones humping ur ass.. HAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAA.. im not really laffing... how gay. keye would think its gay that i dont laff wen i write "LOL".... ok, i'll start laughing.

"just a ghost to the world.. thats exactly what i need... from up here the city lights burn.. like a thousand miles of fire.. and im here to sing this anthem of our dying day...."

i dont know what the crap this song means. but whatever. reminds me of shin. LOL... whoa, i dont wanang et honest now. itsl ike im drunk but im frekaing nto!!! at least if i were drunk i'd have a reason of why i cant type and why im saying random things, but im just likethis cuz im working off overdrive on my body since i havent been sleeping for a week now. hahahahahahahha.... this is the wrost... i had soccer today.. i ahd to condition and im still not sleeping after my body is EXTREMELY tired. AHAHAHAHAHAH.. XTREME!! thats my soccer teams name.

IM not alone online tho! vickees here! i was talking to ken and roy before! then they left around 3 and tahts when keye came back. talked to him for a little then he left and peter came on! he just left but now i have vickee!! hahahahahahahaha.. im never alone!!! muahahahahahahahahaha.. >=)

i wonder if i jus jynxed yself..... OH WELL!

lol...... my body is aching.. i need to frekaing ass esleeppp.. wthat he heck is wrng with me?

my body is shakrinnnngg and my mind keeps gong perfectly fine, just my body cannot keep up. igues my mind doesnt need energy nor rest.. jus my body does. or is my mind part of my body? idunno.. does it dcount as one meaning that my mind needs rest? or is it jus for the muscles in my body, which i need for this wekened but i dont crealy care about... no!i dont know... im tired.... really tired....

i need more music... anyone know good msuci? its not like you could tell me cuz u suck. and ur sleepng. i wish i could sleep cuz mr eally tired. wut the heck is wrong with my tyuping. c'mon fingersz!!! work!!!!!

ok, im going to stop tying cuz its not wrking very well... thanks! tyalk to you laterz. byebye! oyasumi!
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