(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 21:18

Well, last weekend I went to San Diego for a soccer tournament. We LOST in the semi's. It's really sad really, because it's the first game we've ever lost, and it was because of the ref. PLUS, it was against garden grove and we KILLED garden grove 5-0 last time in the championship game. SUCKS!!

This week I've been really stressed. Soccer's okay. Family has been on a JERK-FEST. My brother and my dad are going through PMS or something. They've been bitchy for the last 4 days. My dad suddenly takes my cell phone away because I didn't pick it up while I was in the movie theater and it was on silent. Does he hear me out? NO. Then.. the next day he tells me.. "You shouldn't be driving without your cell phone." So I was like, "fine, give it back." And he goes, "its not a matter of you getting your cell phone back. Don't drive without it." What a smartass. I'm still driving around and I don't give a FLYING FOCK what he says. I didn't even do anything. Bastard.

Other than that, I've been bored or just spending time with Shin when I can. It's been fun, but I haven't been sleeping well. It's like when I have school, except, now I don't have hmwk, so I'm just wasting time being up till 3am. =/ Oh well... it'll all go back into place after a while.

Okay, that's all for now. Soccer this weekend... bleh... then i'm free for a MONTH! WOOT!
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