(no subject)

Sep 19, 2007 23:17

card spinning and trick

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can anyone explain to me how he did that (really simple) trick at the end?

kathy griffin and censorship for saying "suck it, jesus" on larry king

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she is really freaking funny in this interview. impressive.

cast of entourage minus ari on ellen

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i wonder how much these characters are like the ones on the show. i feel like johnny chase is still johnny chase. i could feel e being uncomfortable.

jeremy piven interview on letterman

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i worship ari. sorry. i hear he's a dick, which makes things difficult. i feel like these late night shows are slightly staged.

osa, the frosh, and the capture the flag game.  the frosh wanted to plan a capture the flag game on the quad the night before NSO.  aaaaand the registrar threatened to sic the police on them because they weren't registered.  which is pretty absurd.  message from jim kim (who i do like a lot, to be fair) on the FACEBOOK INVITE.

Hi folks.

I wanted to clarify that the call to Stephanie came from me. Know that I'm not looking to quash your fun, nor are my fellow staff members. That said, we're also not interested in frosh starting NSO with bruised heads, twisted ankles, or severe exhaustion after wandering from the Oval and getting lost all night. We really do care about you. Seriously, we do. Hence, the adjustment in plans.

There have been a few mentions of Stanford Police. They share the goal of keeping you safe, but they’re not the ones who postponed this. I made the call. Hence, if you're fired up because you're frustrated by the change of plans, come on in to Sweet Hall to chat with me about it. On the flip side, if you're fired up to try and plan future events, also come find me.

Props to Stephanie and the other connectors that have emerged. We look forward to helping you find more great ways to bond as a class. Until then, remember that Mark already called jail keeper.

i think this is really well written, ESPECIALLY considering how it was such a dick thing to do on behalf of them.  really tough position for jim kim.  but since when is capture the flag the slightest bit dangerous as well as the hundreds of other things the OSA regulates?  source: unofficial blog

"They're an odd couple in every sense but a monkey and a pigeon have become inseparable at an animal sanctuary in China. The 12-week-old macaque - who was abandoned by his mother - was close to death when it was rescued on Neilingding Island, in Goangdong Province. After being taken to an animal hospital his health began to improve but he seemed spiritless - until he developed a friendship with a white pigeon."

pretty incredible picture.  source:  unofficial blog

scottage cheese's pics from the justin timberlake concert.  thoughts:
--the commentary i thought was pretty funny
--jt is sweating a lot.

Simon Cowell on the Britney bomb: "If I had been looking after Britney I'd have taken one look at her in rehearsals and I wouldn't have allowed her on stage. It would have been worth pulling her off the bill - no matter what the cost - to save any chance she had of resurrecting her career. She wasn't ready for that show in every possible way. The song wasn't right, the image wasn't right and she just wasn't rehearsed. If she had turned up and given that performance at the X Factor auditions then I wouldn't have put her through to the next round. The problem she has now is that she could have killed her career. It's difficult to come back from that performance, for a while at least."

i think that's a pretty great quote.

Fra dir e far si guastano scarpe assai. Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes are worn out.

alright, the pics already!!!!

sooo we went to the LARGEST RADIO TELESCOPE in the WORLD.  which conveniently is where the final scene of goldeneye was filmed.  (when 007 faces off with 006 and slides down that huuge dish?  yeah.  right there.) and it's a family picture!!!

yess stacey's shirt makes it into the cut.  actually, i really do like all of the habitat shirts because the "stanford" word is so little.  as opposed to say... dance marathon.  or like every other t-shirt and therefore stanford shirt i own.

one of the coolest places in puerto rico is el morro, which is this 6-levelled fort with secret passageways and no symmetry and all of these portholes and sentry areas such as the one above.  really cool.

so randomly, we pulled into this rest stop and eight minicoopers pulled up like they were in some sort of mini cooper gang or something.  pretty crazy.  the one leading the pack had "mini-cooper scavenger hunt II" on it, which made me think that it was some sort of nationwide scavenger hunt, but we couldn't find it online.  but it was still a very cool publicity stunt/gang, nonetheless.

we actually drove about 4 hours to the other side of the island to get to this lighthouse/cliff area.... WHERE WE THEN TOOK JUMPING PICTURES!!!!

i don't really understand how my mom was able to make that jump, but it is pretty freaking incredible, all things considered.

ps, the pose that i'm doing in that jump, like a half pike sort of thing, greg actually does so much better in the briji legendary picture.

sunset on the west coast of the island.  nice colors, nice coast.

my mom got these ceramic turtles to put in our garden.  i think this is a pretty goofy, nice shot.

another jumping pic.  where i'm again in the same position.  but these pictures are so good!!!!

in this picture, i am trying to replicate the bristin pose.  i don't think i'm even doing it correctly.

another pose that i really should try more is that sort of snowboarding move where they grab their ankles.  yknow?  yeah.

other things we did there:
--eat puerto rican cuisine
--rio camuy caves
--el yunque rainforest
--arecibo radio telescope
--cabo rojo lighthouse
--el morro, san cristobal, and old san juan
--various beaches
--a place that rachel ray went to on "40 dollars a day"!!!
--bacardi distillery.  (where they had the best tour.  which was free.  and they gave out free drinks.  i think they make a lot of money.)

the things that aren't in any pictures but that i really will treasure perhaps even more than the sites:
--we were rained in a couple times, and the entire family would play sudoku.  it was awesome.  we would play the same ones and race.  for some reason, i have started making a lot of illogical moves/careless mistakes on sudokus.  embarrassing.  the best, ofc, is when i finish it, and i can't replicate it because i was able to finish it through an illogical guess
--my mom spent one of the nights telling us stories from her childhood, which definitely gave me and my sister a better idea of where she's coming from. specifically, what family life was like when she was growing up, her relations with her siblings and father and mother, and how she met my dad, etc.

the biobay.  definitely one of the coolest things i've seen.  basically there are only 5 bioluminescent bays in the world, 3 of which are in puerto rico.  basically, there's this plankton that fluoresces.  and if you disturb the water, this trail of glow follows each oar stroke, for example.  and if you sprinkle the water on your hand, your hand sort of glitters.  like fairy dust, as my sister said!!  one of the cooler hands-on things of nature that i've seen.

this is all compounded by the fact that you can only get there by kayaking, and it has to be really dark, and the guide was whispering the entire time.  i LOVE stuff like that.  they attached these glowsticks to the front and back of each kayak so we could see each other.  as we were kayaking through this narrow channel.  it sort of reminded me of a disney ride or something.  (or the final scene in pirates 2!!) but yeah.  definitely something unfortunately unable to be captured by the camera.

relations for the most part were very good among the family, and i think we all had a lot of fun.

more pictures here: picasa album

new fb profile.  here
had somewhat of a split approach to it (as... i am feeling when it is coming to returning to college), which is, i sort of wanted to formalize it, but then i sort of wanted to keep it silly, and now it's just weirdly between the two.  ah well.  put a bit too much out there.

oh.  notice that i have been wearing CONTACTS recently.  after virtually not wearing them this summer, i think i'm ready to get back into normal usage.  hopefully.  i still can't wear them for too long, but my eyes don't get bloody anymore, so that's good, i'd say.

excerpt.  i think this is really well written.

Hello friends!

I'm flying to London tonight from LAX to bum around the city for a few days (read: be a complete tourist and have afternoon tea as many times as possible) before I go to Oxford to start the term.

Instead of sending people unwanted email updates (I mean, is there any NICE way to tell someone sorry, but you'd really rather not read their 10-page emails every week?), I figured a travel blog would be a convenient, discreet and self-preserving method of giving people the option of stalking me while I'm away.

And I'm notoriously verbose in emails, so the opt-out is kind of necessary.

What you can expect from this blog:
- me, in all my prosaic glory
- pictures! I just bought a new camera and I can't wait to share. I even figured out how to do that thing where you block out all the colors but one and make it look all artsy!
- rambling
- lists

What YOU can do for this blog:
- subscribe to prove to me that you love me. There's a box on the bottom of the blog from blogarithm. Although actually, I won't know whether you've subscribed because I haven't figured that out yet. So on that note, you should:
- comment! Let me know if you have any favorite haunts for me to visit. I got a lot of suggestions over the summer, but I forgot to write them down.
- email me news about YOU! my stanford email will work, or the gmail account that's on facebook.

dreading packing.....

article from the onion about the greek system.

Bro, You're A God Among Bros
By Zach Caldwell of The Onion

You know you're one of my top bros, bro, because you got my back. And I got yours. You're my bro. But you went above and beyond the other night, bromaldehyde. You really did. Saving me that seat at the Velvet Revolver show, even though all those other bros were trying to get up front, bro? So clutch.

You are truly a god among bros.

Just when I think you're as solid as a bro can get, you raise the very definition of brodom to new heights. You're like a brogle, soaring to the farthest reaches of the atbrosphere. Seriously. If it weren't for you and your extreme brobility to hook a bro up when it is most croosh, I'd have been stuck in some bitch-ass seat, cramped all in the corner with a bunch of bitch-asses, bro. But you stepped up. You brovercame all obstacles to help a bro out. This is the kind of shit that makes bros for life.

Brody, I was so stoked when you told Gina to go eat a fat one after she asked if she could have your other ticket, even though you knew you could probably get a pretty deese HJ from her. Bros before hos, bro. That's what I'm talking about.

You are the king of all bros. Brotankhamen. You are the Ayatollah Bromeini. You are Broseidon, lord of the brocean.

But this is just one of many times you've fallen on a grenade for me, brozo. Who took the blame when I broke Skeeter's bong and fucking Skeeter was all fucking pissed? You, bro. Who was the first to bro up and carry that fucking keg of Killian's up four flights of stairs for Duke's surprise party? You, bro. Who was the only Bromo sapien on the planet to tell me he thought the brand-new rims on my F-350 were the shit even though everyone else was all, like, fucking not that excited about them? Bro, you know it was you. You're my broheim supremo, bro, and don't you ever forget it.

I'm so fucking glad we're bros, bro!

I've long admired your absolute broficiency in all things bro-related, and the way you've always carried yourself in a brofessional manner. I consider you a brole model. When I was new in this town, you took me under your wing and showed me the bropes. And I will always preesh that. Not only did you school me in proper brotocol, but you were a spiritual leader, a confidant, and, more importantly, a bro. You taught me how to be true to my inner bro and to bros around me. You are a real bro. Not a fake bro, like those other douches. I hate fake bros, bro. Faux breaux. Fuck that. No, really, bro…you're practically a bro-there to me.

Look at you, blasting in like Rambro and firing off your launcher like nobrody's business, bro. Serious Brotosaurus Rex action. Brodius Maximus. I'm not big on labels, but you, more than any of the wiggers, bitches, goth chicks, dorks, homos, or Mexicans I know, are absolutely beyond rebroach.

In fact, your brotitude is so brossential that, in many ways, you are the ultimate brototype: You sprung out of the brotean ooze at the very broment of creation, unformed, unmolded, and became the ultimate bro, more powerful than any who came brofore. I don't fear your power, bro, but I respect it. And I will always brobey it.

Brosemite Sam. Potassium Bromide. Brobi Wan Kenobi. Brover Norquist.

Like Broseph Stalin, you are leading the way to the dictatorship of the broletariate. It is truly revbrolutionary. Like the Bro v. Wade of our generation. You brobliterate the enemy from the very peak of Mt. Brolympus. That's some shit. That's brolific. But that's the kind of bro you are.

Bro-S.A.! Bro-S.A.! I'm so pumped right now! Bro-S.A.!

You are the epitome of bro, in every brossible way, and that's the Bro's honest truth, bro. I may have a bropensity for broverstatement, but this no mere hyperbrole: You are 100 brocent, absbrolutely the broest. Brotally.

I wish I had the words to describe what a good friend you are, dude.

decent satire, although exaggeration aside, i .... still would want the stuff that he's describing.  like he's describing it all in these really petty, absurd, silly ways, but that bond is still something pretty damn special, isn't it?.....
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