(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 17:58

from the office, ep s01e02. 
jim: "uhh..... not a bad day."
that is absolutely perfect.  (a bit of context: diversity day, dwight stealing his big deal of the year, and the head of pam on his shoulder)

btw, jim totally goes on the nerd list.  for those of you who know what i'm talking about (i think jim is the only person who referenced this to emily).

work update.

today (sunday) i slept in and woke up at 8AM and couldn't go back to sleep.  which 1) is sad but 2) also 3 hours past my normal wake up time.  and i have to go to sleep at a normal hour tonight.  AND THE WORK WEEK BEGINS AGAIN TOMORROW.   i haaaaate the sunday blues with a fiery passion.  6 mo weeks buddy.

weekly recap. 
--becoming more comfortable with the work environment.
--emotionally, this week's sources of concern moved a lot more from "this job is going to kill me/give me a nervous breakdown" to "i wish i had companionship"
--the new rotation started, and work has not picked up.  sales calls started this week, i mildly underperformed. 
--work will pick up next week, significantly.  a tough sales call guy, 4th of july week=good time to sit with committee members, last week they assigned the final project topics to all the interns, and the boss with the new project for interns is coming back.

btw, the word "recap" now sends shivers down my spine.  as in, every morning you get a market recap of the previous day.  research recap.  midday recap.  end of day recap.  internal markets recap.  recaps from every desk.  etc etc etc.  it's really quite absurd.

body image issues.  i still feel really uncomfortable in my office clothes at the office.  that really needs to change.  now.

affection and mutual need.  a friend in need is a friend indeed.  that's more or less exactly what i don't want these people to think of me as.  like i don't want them to just be my friend because they pity me.  yknow?  and the only way i can know this is if they show some kind of affection.  or something.

this is just bringing back bristin's whole comments about my testing of my friends.

"why do you date me?" from an episode of that 70's show.  i have started watching a lot more tv.  makes sense.

but seriously.  when trying to walk myself through my relationship with the fab four, part of me really wonders what they would see in me.  because i am definitely rather hit or miss with my sense of humor/chemistry.  i dunno.  especially in this program, the people on the whole are super well adjusted and really likable.  i suppose that's what a really intense interview process does.

the f-word of the corporate world.  "i knew you were a bboy, but i didn't know the b stood for ballroom!" -nigel on dominic.  lol.  i don't understand how they can do this without scripts.

in my mind, the f-word of the corporate world is friendship.  as john says "i leave my personal life at home and am completely emotionless at work, and that's the way i believe it should be." my mom has this coworker who she mildly considers a "friend", but for all practical purposes, she doesn't like him.  and she was once talking about her rather absurd personal life, and he was like "please don't talk to me about this stuff ever again."

that makes me sad.

vernacular changes.  words that are entering my vocabulary:
--"yo yo" or "yo" as a form of greeting
--"flipping" as a substitute for "fucking" (following in lacey's ("shut the front door!") footsteps, i suppose) (and because jim doesn't curse enough, ofc.)
other words i still like very much: dude, awesome, great

wrinkles are my worst enemy.  guys, wrinkles have now become my worst fear now.  they suck.  so much.  AND YOU CAN"T AVOID THEM.

the org theory speaker.  a guy came in today, and he talked about the eternal creativity/efficiency paradox and how they are contradictory.  among other things.  and it was really cool and arguably the most interesting talk that i've heard!  and only further my belief that my calling is indeed possibly consulting.

my shirt.  on friday i wore one of my louder shirts, and got a lot of grief for it.

i hate being the center of attention.  because i have no idea what to say.  and i just feel uncomfortable.  (tie in: why i hate bday parties for myself.)

on my own.  john is out for the week.  which means... i can leave my crap everywhere.  which makes me that much more happy.  i also get to feed chunkers, the stray cat!! which is great.  although i have to admit, if you're watching a cat eat, it can only be so long until you start talking to it.  (les mis reference)

electronic communication.  my mom used to tell me when i was on aim 24/7 in high school that it would negatively impact my nonelectronic communication skills.

not to vindicate her, but on friday, sarah gave me a decent amount of grief for emailing the fab four instead of inviting them personally.  (again, the same talk that jules had with me.  that bristin had with me.  etc.) and she also said that i "came on a little strong", which ofc made me feel SO FOOLISH because i did really want these people to like me, not to mention the whole being arrogant about my own email.  but then after that conversation, i effectively got "over" the whole erics thing as i was fairly convinced that they didn't want to "be my friend" post this event.

pros of personal contact: more genuine, more rememberable
pros of email contact: less awkwardness (esp if the other person declines), greater ability to "put yourself out there", less pressure for the 2nd party to agree, efficiency

telling someone "i like you" would be pretty mortifying, but typing it and sending it is nothing.  and as per all of my carpe diem quotes, i am all about being honest about my feelings to other people.  (unless they're negative, in which case group hating is okay.) (jk)

i heard "take a deep breath and jump in" twice on friday.  some things are like that.  i really just want to vouch for electronic communication and say that otherwise it's just unnecessary to put yourself through that.

heart.  (mati) there was this time when brijigrestaja decided to parcel out each planeteer identity to each one of us.  i'm fairly sure i was wheeler because of my temperamental (damn, that word has a tough spelling) and fiery nature.

but i'm thinking.  honestly, i think it is the one thing i bring to the table.  EMOTIONS.  jk.  i don't know.  see, now everything i say is just going to be construed as arrogance.  but yeah.  i do feel like i care more?.....

i think that, and an obsession with efficiency.  perhaps?

what i did on saturday. 
slept in.  ate takeout leftovers.  watched some arrested development, did laundry, got a haircut, went to the beach and read "a guide to happiness" or something by the dalai lama, exercised, made dinner (yesss tv dinner!  and saltines.  definitely really gross: wanted some saltines, opened it, and like 100 ants were over this one cracker.), watched some more tv, worked on sotad, slept.

re: the dalai lama book.  on the whole, it was pretty lame.  so much motivational stuff like that (ie "how do you get over loneliness?  you are more compassionate and look for intimate non-physical relationships instead of only focusing on physical relationships.") you really have to live through before you understand it.  so some of it, i was like "yeah, i learned that on my own a couple years ago." and the rest of it, i'm sure i just don't understand because i haven't experienced it.  but yeah.  i don't feel like i'm going to be that much happier.  unfortunately.

the iphone.  we talk about it a lot at work.  but anyhow.  yes, it's probably the sexiest thing anyone can own right now, but no, i really refuse to like it, even a little bit.  i can tell you right now that it's pretty much 100% irrational (as opposed to the itunes/winamp issue), but honestly.  i refuse to buy into it.

working hard/playing hard. 
This is for the people and their friends who have too much personality to actually care about how "Oh my god, I was SOOO DRUNK last night" you were.
from a fb group that erich's in: Drinking Heavily, as much as I want it to, does not make me cool

i really dislike that phrase.  here's how the conversation will go:
person a: "you do finance and work like 70 hrs a week!?  lame.  you must lead such a sad life."
person b: "well, we do work hard, but we also play hard.  i bet i drink more than you do with greater intensity."

since when should drinking amount/absurdity be a measure of a full life?  i mean really.  alcohol is cool and everything, but honestly.  let's not pull out the ruler here.

entourage.  started watching some entourage this weekend.  thoughts: i really do hate people like that in real life.  like if i met people like that, i would be a little bit offended that they were simply sucking value out of society.

that said, i sort of wish i could talk like that.  you know.  use "pussy" in every other sentence.  well maybe not talk like that all the time.  but definitely not get hella uncomfortable when i'm around people like that.

isn't it sort of ironic that lane and josh get along so well?

but seriously.  i hate every character in that show.

also started watching office.  which is sort of like arrested development in that they both just laugh at the stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity in a very sarcastic, satirical sort of way.  but yeah.  very, very solid.  good choice greg/emily.  and yes, jim and pam are definitely like my favorite couple ever.

random sunday story. went grocery shopping today. got my first full-fledged raw meat (didn't get your email in time stace) (went with chicken thighs as per my mom's suggestion), so that was pretty exciting. and i have exactly 1 hr to buy groceries to meet up with the bus schedule, so i usually try to take it slow. as in, the first 30 minutes literally consisted of me walking in circles around the grocery store.

and this happened the last time i went grocery shopping too, which is, i end up running out of time, and the cashier takes her FREAKING time checking me out. etc. it usually gets there around X:07. and i happen to get out there at X:06. i wait until X:12. and the bus system is usually pretty punctual and nobody else is waiting with me, so i decided that i miss the bus. i'm rather upset and walk the ~mile it takes to get back home with really heavy groceries. and then the whole time i'm like cursing the bus system and the cashier and my mom for calling me when i was rushing all of that.

and of course right then, the bus pulls past me. not that i was next to a bus stop. this was around X:25, so it was a good 15 minutes late and i was about 70% of the way home. but still.

there really wasn't a lesson to learn from this story, i think, but i feel like it made for good character development.

no spoilers movie rehash.

1408 rehash.  went to go see 1408 with my coworker erich on friday night, which was nice.  (after which i also sent another pretty embarrassing email).  i thought the movie was good!!!

ratatouille rehash.  really, really solid.  visually, it's incredible, and the storyline was pretty unbeatable.  again, the characters are all lovable.  (.... although i think i still like monsters inc/incredibles more?  i dunno.  they're just so far ago.  i actually would have to watch them again to make a better comparison.)

good previews i saw: "no reservations" from ratatouille (clever title too), it's unfortunate that "bee movie" and "wall-e" have the same intro music. (although the bee movie trailer is pretty good, to vindicate emily), the horror flick about the aliens looks INCREDIBLE, "i know who killed me" looks pretty good as well.

underdog looks soo badddd. ugh.

1408 spoilers:

three segments:
plot dev

all three were fairly solid.  the horror bit was really nice.  like really clever stuff (the window-across-the-street effect was AWESOME.  awesome.).  very scary as well.
the surreal bit was also very artistically done, with him going back in time as well as the post office turned 1408.
the ending was also really fulfilling, i thought.  which is really tough with absurd movies like that.


the "accuracy"esque aspect of it made it really interesting.  if you had like 200 rats living in your ceiling, i'd be so grossed out.

i would want to know why linguini's mom wouldn't want linguini to know that he is gusteau's son.

ego's final voiceover re: the restaurant was pretty incredible as well.

okay.  at the end, when linguini saves remy from being attacked, i for some reason got this huge surge of emotion and tears definitely welled.  although it wasn't that sad.  i dunno.

the slight preposterousness (wow, i love spellcheck on lj) of the ending sort of made the story have a lot less heart.  as well as the extremely improbable love story.

erich kept pronouncing it "rat-a-two-lee", which was just really quite humorous.  proud to say that i saw it by myself this morning.

the movie title definitely has a lot of x-factor.  it's quite clever, and i'm glad they pushed such an edgy name. 
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