laziness. things on the list of "things that i really should change to save a lot of future problems, but won't because i'm lazy" list.
--gmail. honestly, webmail forwarding to gmail, gmail forwarding to eudora, gmail sender to my stanford address. bam.
--notebook. honestly, as great as the manila folder system is, one of its greatest downfalls is lack of notes. like i already take so few notes and then i definitely lose them in notebooks. it's great.
--winamp?... no. jk. winamp is great. honestly, i believe that all CS people should use winamp over itunes. (and it does have ipod support, for the record)
work. i think this entry is almost all about work.
general comments. i am learning a lot about myself and changing as well. training, if you will. learned things:
--i am not terribly good at transitions
--easily intimidated
--i really, really, really would rather work with people who i get along with and befriend rather than not. i really must have friends where i go.
things i'll be better at in the future:
--SCHMOOZING. honestly, i really have very few qualms about doing that whole schmoozing thing anymore. i would like to say that i am not as intimidated as other people
--knowledge of the markets. like whoa.
--ummm waking up before 6AM and doing 12hr+ workdays? hell yeah. that's what i'm talking about.
--taking care of myself when i'm alone and "in the professional world".
i am excited to both learn more about myself and change for the better! yuuuuup yup. even though it is mildly painful.
general schedule.
5:15: wake up
5:40: leave for bus
6:05: get to work, read the research put out by europe and other research desks
6:30: intern meeting. we discuss the morning research, directions of the market, and general market trends. a different person comes in each day with their own take on the market and different questions for us, explaining things to us, etc.
7:15: cash meeting. people discuss what's going on on all the different desks. there's a bit of research involved (ie "last night this happened. today, this will happen") as well as some desk specific stuff ("we're seeing a lot more volume in the energy swaps")
7:45: converts meeting. desk gets together and talks about what sort of bonds they want to sell for the day, other desk-specific issues.
8:00: morning meeting. literally, i don't know how they've done it, but they've definitely scheduled a speaker every morning at 8AM for every day of the internship. mildly absurd, but ... yeah. just mildly absurd. it can be informational about the desk or the internship.
and then there's some downtime. markets open at 9:30, and things are fairly crazy around that time. interns do work or... try to stay out of the traders ways. or you can read more about the markets (you will not believe the gross, gross amounts of information we get per day. it's absurd). there may be some "watching", where we essentially shadow people and they explain some things about the market.
12:00: lunch. 80% of the time, there's also a lunch meeting. same as the 8AM.
4-5ish: markets close. again, flurry of activity.
5:00: sometimes a mock trading session, derivatives class
6-7PM: head home. exercise. dinner. blogging. sleep. rinse and repeat.
10PM: general bedtime. obviously i am violating it tonight, due to sytycd and this blog. oh how it tortures me!!
i have since taken to falling asleep during every meeting.
contacts. sort of gross, but: (okay. i decided not to post it. but if you're in the mood to be grossed out:
go here)
okay. wore my contacts for the first time yesterday. which was exciting!! my self esteem was definitely boosted, and contacts are so much more practical than glasses, and i can honestly see so much better. my eyes focus a lot better with contacts.
anyhow. woke up today, honesty had trouble seeing. the "burning feeling" hasn't set in, so i'm going to assume it's traditional eye dryness, but i still feel scared of wearing contacts anytime soon.....
the fab four. alison, willy, soo, and ... some other guy (yan?) were known as the "fab four" in kimball because they were so tight and they honestly have like 500 pictures of them 4 together. which is really, really cute. anyhow. if i could make my fab four, i would make them right now and i would want to hang out with them at every waking moment. unfortunately, i don't think that it is the same case with them, but honestly, i get like really damn jealous when they hang out with other people. it's great.
okay. that was mild sarcasm, but in all seriousness, it's been awhile since i've felt such an overencompassing head-over-heels-ness for someone. as in, on tuesday, one of the erics talked to me instead of going back to work, and i literally could not stop smiling the entire day. it was really absurd.
PS. khanh's theory (again) is that such obsessions never work out for the better. as in, when i obsess with people, it burns out quickly.
oh. and they finally all friended me on facebook!!! point one for james.
okay. sending them a fairly effusive email. dude. emails? totally my comfort zone.
so at work, there are like no cubicles or anything right? so in this business world where schmoozing is the gold standard, apparently they REALLY frown on writing emails when people are like right next to you. WHICH IS ONLY WHAT I DO ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
bristin would be so happy to be vindicated right now. because she's like that.
i think the effects of working out have finally started kicking in. a little bit?.... or all psychological?.... speaking of which:
food. stacey asked me about food. so, options:
--eating out (obv). although the closest place is about 10 min walking and chinese food, which is decently healthy.
went grocery shopping.
--saltines and canned tuna and organic salsa
--pasta/ready made ravioli
--instant noodles
--dozen eggs
--carrots and grapes as snacks
--for nutrition, frozen vegetables and shake-mixers. granola bars! yogurt!
--tv dinners
apparent a george forman grill is the way to go.
also, another thing of note: if everyone wears button down shirts, it is honestly really, really tough to tell anyone's build. which is nice.
on the learning curve. in my mind, there are two kinds of learners:
1) the kind who picks up stuff really quickly. and is able to internalize it and ask questions that illustrate understanding, interest, and a good overall picture of the central issue. teaching people like this is really fulfilling.
2) the kind who doesn't pick up stuff quickly. you explain it to the person multiple times, and they finally are like "i get it..... you can stop now....." and they really have no understanding of even the basics, much less what you were teaching them?
okay. (btw, nicole is like the only person i know who falls into the first category all the freaking time, without fail. i am so incredibly impressed and respectful of nicole) here, i am definitely much more commonly in the second category than the first. and i'm definitely not used to it! constantly asking people for help. feeling stupid. lying because i feel like people are getting frustrated. definitely a learning experience, also.
and i think a lot of it is also due to my study strategies. because i really do very little "heavy lifting" on my own. as in, i do virtually no textbook reading, do a lot of office hours, and a lot of learning by example. which isn't conducive at all to learning abstract concepts.
greg, i'll do the high status/low status recap in the next entry. I PROMISE!!!
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